TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

簡介 About TWC 歷史足印 Our Footprints Founded in 1870, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) has been providing medical and health, education and community services to fulfill the needs of the Hong Kong society for 150 years. Being one of the largest charitable organisations in Hong Kong and a major provider of primary and secondary education for over a century, TWGHs took the first step and collaborated with The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2005, to establish “The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College” (CUTW) to provide post-secondary education for the first time. Registered under the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279), CUTW offered a wide range of quality associate degree programmes providing secondary school graduates with an effective pathway leading to further education as well as career development. With the experiences gained in offering post-secondary education through CUTW, TWGHs took a further step and established a tertiary education institution, Tung Wah College (TWC) in 2010. The College went through the rigorous college-wide accreditation and passed the Institutional Review (IR) by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in 2010. Registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) as an approved self-financing bachelor's degree granting institution in 2011, TWC offered its first undergraduate programme “Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)” and sub-degree programme “Higher Diploma in Nursing” in September of the same year. Since then, the College’s programmes have been diversified, providing greater flexibility and accessibility for secondary school graduates, to meet both our students’ educational needs and the society’s needs for talents. At the same time, CUTW ceased its operation on 31 August 2013, thereby completing its historic mission. 創建於 1870 年的東華三院,是香港歷史最悠 久及最具規模的慈善機構之一,並為香港市 民提供切合社會需求的各項醫療衞生、教育 和社會福利服務 150 年。東華三院百多年 來,一直為香港社會提供優質的中、小學教 育服務,是本港主要的辦學團體。東華三院 於 2005 年,與香港中文大學合作,成立「香 港中文大學 ― 東華三院社區書院」(下稱 「中東書院」),首次將其教育服務範圍擴 展至專上教育。「中東書院」於《教育條 例》(第 279 章)下註冊成立,並開辦各項 優質副學士學位課程,為中學畢業生提供升 學和就業的晉階途徑。 憑藉營運中東書院所積累的專上教育服務經 驗,東華三院於 2 0 1 0 年再邁出一步, 以自資方式,成立一所高等教育學府 ― 「 東華學院 」。學院於同年成功通過「香港 學術及職業資歷評審局」一連串嚴格的學院 評審,並於 2011 年根據《專上學院條例》 (第 320 章)正式註冊成為一所擁有頒授學 士學位資格的專上學院。學院同年 9 月開辦 首個學士學位課程(工商管理學士 [ 榮譽 ] ) 及副學位課程(護理學高級文憑)。其後, 學院積極發展多元化及具靈活性的課程,以 滿足社會對教育及人才的需求。與此同時, 中東書院亦於 2013 年 8 月 31 日停辦,完成其 歷史使命。 01 十周年紀念特刊 Tung Wah College (TWC) is a self-financing degree-granting tertiary institution incorporated in 2010 by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs). Taking advantage of the acknowledged strengths and expertise of TWGHs in medical and health, education and social services, TWC aspires to become a renowned privately-funded university, recognised for high quality programmes focusing on practical application for both for-profit and non-profit organisations, while nurturing youngsters to be caring citizens with a sense of social responsibility. TWC is an approved post-secondary college registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320). All TWC's programmes are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). Currently, TWC offers degree, sub-degree, diploma and certificate programmes in diverse disciplines through our four Schools, namely, School of Nursing, School of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Management and School of Arts and Humanities. In 2019/2020, the College has a student population of over 2,800. It has nurtured more than 2,600 graduates since its inception. 東華學院於 2010 年由東華三院創立,是一所 擁有頒授學士學位資格的自資高等教育學 府。東華學院秉承東華三院在醫療衞生、教 育及社會服務的專長和優勢,致力發展成為 一所具知名度的私立大學,為高中畢業生提 供以應用實踐為本的各項高質素課程,培育 他們具備於私營機構及非牟利團體服務所需 的技能,成為對社會有責任感及關愛社群的 專業人才。 東華學院及其課程已成功通過香港學術及職 業資歷評審局嚴格的評審,並已根據《專上 學院條例》(第 320 章)正式認可為一所擁 有頒授學士學位資格的專上學院。本院目前 設有四所學院,包括護理學院、醫療及健康 科學學院、管理學院和人文學院,提供多元 化的學士學位、副學位、文憑及證書課程。 在 2019/2020 年度,學院共有超過 2,800 名學 生就讀,成立至今畢業生人數超過 2,600 人。