
46 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 學生賀辭 Congratulatory Messages of Students 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 林博旻 Ryan Lam Pok Man 應用老年學(榮譽)理學士三年級生 Year 3 Student of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Gerontology My life of learning in TWC is fruitful and rewarding. Through lessons and practicums, I have acquired lots of knowledge and practical skills in gerontology and have enriched my understanding in the medical and social welfare policies of Hong Kong. My expression and organisation skills have improved a lot through doing homework, conducting research and giving out presentations. In the summer of 2019, I participated in a study tour to Taiwan and was able to compare the differences in social welfare policies of Taiwan and Hong Kong. I found that Taiwan has a rather robust elderly care service system, which allows the elderly to receive medical services within their own community. This might serve as a good example to Hong Kong. It is my pleasure to make lots of friends in TWC. Sharing the same goal, we learn and overcome difficulties together. They are the treasures I have found in TWC. I have made up my mind to devote myself to elderly services and make valuable contribution to the society. I wish TWC a bright future ahead. 東 華學院的學習生活非常充實,透過課堂與實 習,我學習到不少老人學的知識和技巧,加深了 對香港長者醫療及社會福利政策的認識。透過日 常功課、專題研究和匯報,我的表達和組織能力 都有所增強。 2019 年的暑假,我參加了台灣學術交流團,從中 了解到台灣和香港兩地社會福利制度的不同。我 發現台灣的安老服務頗為完善,令長者在所居住 的社區,便能得到所需的醫療服務。這方面本港 相對而言則較弱,或可以借鑑台灣。 能夠在學院認識到志同道合的朋友,一起學習與 奮鬥,是我學院生涯的一大得著。我亦立志投身 長者服務,貢獻社會。 謹祝願東華學院有更美好的將來。