
目錄 Contents 使命 03 Mission Statements 願景 Vision 使命 Mission 核心價值 Core Values 獻辭 04 Anniversary Messages 東華三院庚子年董事局主席暨東華學院校董會主席 Chairman of TWGHs Board of Directors 2020/2021 Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC 東華學院校務委員會主席 Chairman of College Council of TWC 署理校長(學術) Acting President (Academic) 署理校長(行政及拓展) Acting President (Administration & Development) 賀辭 08 Congratulatory Messages 香港特別行政區行政長官及主要官員 The Chief Executive and Principal Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 東華學院前校董會主席及前校長 Former Chairman of Board of Governors and President of TWC 學術認證機構及大專院校 Accreditation Body and Tertiary Institutions 合作伙伴 Partnering Organisations 學院里程 37 Milestones 課程與設施 43 Programmes and Facilities 學生與校友 46 Students and Alumni 畢業生就業前景 55 Graduates' Employment Prospects 僱主心聲 56 Employers’ Feedback 學院與社區 59 TWC and the Community 本地及海外合作 62 Local and International Collaboration 強化研究實力 66 Strengthening Research Capability 展望未來 70 Looking Forward 02 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet