
62 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 與業界合作 Collaboration with Industry Partners TWC has been maintaining close ties with the industry partners, including local hospitals, rehabilitation centres, non-profit organisations and corporations to arrange placement and internship opportunities for the students of nursing, occupational therapy, radiation therapy, applied psychology and early childhood education, etc., facilitating them to apply their knowledge in actual workplace and be better equipped upon graduation. 在 過去十年,東華學院一直與業界保持緊密聯繫,與 多間本地醫院、護理復康中心、非牟利組織或企業合 作,為修讀護理學、職業治療學、放射治療學、應用 心理學及幼兒教育等學科的學生,提供實習機會,讓 他們能在實際工作環境運用所學,為未來就業作好準 備。 本地與海外合作 Local and International Collaboration 醫療科學學生胡嫣珈(中)到東華三院檔案 及歷史文化辦公室實習。 Medical science student Wu Yin Ka (middle) has her internship opportunity in TWGHs Records & Heritage Office. 應用心理學學生何彥儀(左)到立法會秘書處 公共資訊部及議會事務部實習。 Applied psychology student Ho Yin Yee (left) participates in an internship programme in the Public Information Division and the Council Business Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat. 基礎醫療科學學生陳紫楹(前排中)到輝瑞香港實習。 Basic medical sciences student Chan Tsz Ying (middle, front row) has her internship opportunity in Pfizer Hong Kong.