
66 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 強化研究實力 Strengthening Research Capability TWC is dedicated to strengthening its research capability. In 2017, the Research Office was founded to promote a vibrant research culture within TWC and to support research-related activities. 東 華學院致力強化研究實力,於 2017 年成立研究事務 處,負責推廣學院的研究文化,支援學術人員進行研究 工作。 研究發展計劃 Research Development Programme With the aim of encouraging young academic staff to conduct or participate in research, TWC has launched the Research Development Programme (RDP) since January 2018. 18 research seminars and workshops were conducted ever since, covering a wide range of topics such as research planning and design, methodology, research ethics, grantsmanship and publication skills. Both internal and external experts were invited to provide lectures or workshops in order to share their knowledge and experience with the academic staff. 為 鼓勵新晉學術人員開展研究工作,東華學院自 2018 年 1 月起推行「研究發展計劃」。自計劃推行以來,學院 合共舉行 18 場研討會及工作坊,既由學院資深教研人員 主講,亦會邀請海內外專家蒞臨,就着研究的策劃與設 計、方法學、研究操守、資助申請及期刊寫作等各方 面,與一眾學術人員分享知識與心得。 轉化大數據 從大數據撮取資料以用於健康相關研究 Turning Big Data into Information for Health-related Research 國際研究資料庫公司 EBSCO Information Services 經理劉俊 希先生於 2018 年 4 月 18 日蒞臨學院主講研討會,向一眾學 術人員介紹 EBSCO 醫療資料庫,討論如何收集大數據並 轉化為研究資料。 Mr Abel Liu, Manager of EBSCO Information Services, a world leading provider of research database, was invited to give a workshop on 18 April 2018. During the workshop, Mr Liu introduced the use of EBSCO health databases to the participants, and discussed the way to collate big data into useful information in research. 如何讓東華學院研究刊載於護理學期刊 Helping TWC Get Manuscripts Published in Nursing Journals 國際學術期刊出版商 Mark Allen Health Group 執行董事 Matt Cianfarani ,於 2018 年 4 月 18 日蒞臨學院主講工作坊, 向一眾學術人員講解實務寫作技巧,並分享其研究獲學 術期刊刊載的經驗。 Mr Matt Cianfarani, Executive Director of Mark Allen Health Group, was invited to give a workshop on 18 April 2018. During the workshop, Mr Cianfarani talked about practical writing skills and shared his experience on how to get manuscripts published in academic journals.