
10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 04 文 頴 怡女士 Ms Ginny Man Wing Yee 東華三院庚子年董事局主席 東華學院校董會主席 Chairman of TWGHs Board of Directors 2020/2021 Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC 獻辭 Anniversary Messages As the Chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) and the Chairman of Board of Governors of Tung Wah College (TWC), I am glad to congratulate the College on its 10th anniversary. As a self-financing degree-granting tertiary institution in Hong Kong, TWC has passed through its first decade since it was founded by TWGHs in 2010. Harnessing the acknowledged strengths and expertise of TWGHs in healthcare, education and social services, TWC has offered a wide range of quality programmes in medical, arts and humanities, business and management disciplines and has established its reputation in the academia. Over the past ten years, TWC has become the cradle of young talents with caring hearts. Its nursing and allied health programmes have a strong track record of nurturing professional talents and enjoy high praise by many in society. I believe that for an academic institution, the first decade is of the utmost importance. In these ten years, TWC has developed rapidly in terms of the College’s governance, programme scopes and quality, campus expansion and facilities, etc. I believe a solid foundation has been laid for the College to achieve its strategic goal of becoming a private university. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the current and former members of the Board of Governors and the College Council, Presidents, our companions in the academia, partners, staff, alumni and students for their long-standing support and encouragement along our road of development. Our gratitude shall also go to the government and donors for their unwavering support. TWC has a unique and brilliant story that may render this booklet too short to chronicle. Our 10th anniversary is a great cause for celebration. A series of anniversary activities will be held to mark the historic moment. I welcome all of you to join us and wish the College more glorious years ahead. 東 華學院成立十周年,能以東華三院主席暨東華學院 校董會主席的身份,為學院這一歷史時刻致賀,我感到 十分高興。 東華學院由東華三院在 2010 年創立,是本港一所擁有頒 授學士學位資格的自資專上院校。秉承三院在醫療、教 育及社會服務的優勢和經驗,東華學院在過去十年開辦 多項醫療、人文、商學及管理學課程,在學界樹立了卓 越名聲,培育不少具關愛心的年輕人投身社會,當中在 護理學及輔助醫療課程,學院育才表現尤其突出,備受 社會讚賞。 我相信一所學院的成立,首十年發展實屬關鍵。這十年 來學院不論在學校管治、課程類別與質素、校園擴建及 設施等各方面均發展迅速,為實現未來升格成為私立大 學的策略性目標,打下堅實基礎。 在向前發展的路上,我們亦不忘學院在這十年所得到的 支持與鼓勵。在此謹向歷屆校董會和校務委員會成員、 校長、學術界同仁、合作伙伴、教職員、校友和學生, 致以謝忱。政府與捐款人的鼎力支持亦是不可或缺,我 亦在此由衷致謝。 東華學院的成長故事獨特而精彩,這本十周年紀念特刊 只能擇取重大部分敘述。學院接下來將舉辦一連串慶祝 活動,我誠邀閣下參與,共度學院十周年誌慶,一同祝 願學院未來發展更上一層樓。