年報 2017-18

2018. 03 16 JINESS Careers Fair cum O icial Launching Ceremony was successfully held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 9 March 2018. Mr. Yeung Yun-hung, Kevin, JP, Secretary for Education, o iciated the event and had a sharing with the student representatives. The Fair gathered 101 potential employers to showcase a wealth of information on career opportunities and facilitate job searching of students through on-site interviews. 英才網職業博覽暨開幕典禮於 2018 年 3 月 9 日假香港 會議展覽中心舉行,教育局局長楊潤雄先生, JP 擔 任開幕典禮主禮嘉賓,並與東華學院、明愛專上學 院、明德學院、珠海學院及恒生管理學院的學生代 表交流及對談。博覽匯聚了 101 間來自不同行業的 僱主,提供豐富的就業資訊及多個職位空缺,部份 參展機構還為應徵的學生安排即場面試。 英才網職業博覽暨開幕典禮 JINESS Careers Fair cum O icial Launching Ceremony President Prof. Yu-hon Lui, MH, joined by Prof. Lawrence Lam, Vice President (Academic), and Ms. Connie Tang, Vice President (Administration & Development), shared TWC's latest developments with media during a reception on 19 March 2018. At the event, President Prof. Lui announced the launch of a new Physiotherapy programme in September 2018 in response to the shortage of physiotherapists. In addition, to enhance the learning of early childhood education students, the College was establishing a new play lab to provide an interactive environment for them to experience the application of “learning through play”. 東華學院於 2018 年 3 月 19 日舉行傳媒午餐聚會,校 長呂汝漢教授, MH 聯同副校長(學術)林德明教 授及副校長(行政及拓展)鄧鳳鳴女士,與各大媒 體分享學院的最新發展。呂校長於會上提及學院將 於 2018 年 9 月開辦物理治療課程,協助解決物理治 療師人手短缺的問題;另一方面,為配合幼兒教育 課程的發展需要,學院正積極設立一結合職業治療 學和幼兒教育理念的遊戲實驗室( Play Lab ),讓 學生體驗如何運用遊戲教學及與兒童互動。 傳媒聚餐分享學院最新發展 Media Reception to Share the Latest Updates