年報 2017-18

21 TWC continuously complies with its robust quality assurance system in monitoring and improving the quality of academic programmes with an aim of meeting the requirements of external academic and professional quality assurance bodies as well as expectations of stakeholders and society. In 2017/2018, all programme accreditation and re-accreditation exercises ran smoothly, with the programmes of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physiotherapy, Higher Diploma in Health Science and Certificate in Endoscopy Care successfully accredited while the programmes of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Occupational Therapy and Higher Diploma in Nursing successfully re-accredited. 東華學院繼續遵照其嚴謹的質素保證機制,持續監 察及優化其課程,為達至校外學者及專家的要求以 及符合持份者和社會的期望。在 2017/2018 學年,所 有課程評審和覆審活動順利完成,成功通過評審的 課程包括物理治療學(榮譽)理學士、健康科學高 級文憑、內視鏡檢查照護證書,而成功通過覆審的 課程則包括職業治療學(榮譽)理學士及護理學高 級文憑。 香港學術及職業資歷評審局(評審局)的評審小組 於 2018 年 1 月分別為職業治療學(榮譽)理學士及 健康科學高級文憑課程進行實地考察。 On-site visit for the Learning Programme Re-accreditation for Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Occupational Therapy and Learning Programme Accreditation for Higher Diploma in Health Science by Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in January 2018. 課程評審和覆審 Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation 評審局的評審小組於 2018 年 2 月為物理治療學(榮 譽)理學士課程進行實地考察。 On-site visit for the Learning Programme Accreditation for Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physiotherapy by HKCAAVQ in February 2018. 評審局的評審小組 2018 年 2 月及 3 月為內視鏡檢查照 護證書及護理學高級文憑課程進行實地考察。 On-site visit Learning Programme Accreditation for Certificate in Endoscopy Care and Learning Programme Re-accreditation for Higher Diploma in Nursing by HKCAAVQ in February and March 2018. 香港護士管理局評審小組於 2018 年 8 月為護理學高 級文憑課程進行實地考察。 On-site visit for the Professional Re-accreditation for Higher Diploma in Nursing by The Nursing Council of Hong Kong in August 2018.