年報 2017-18

職業治療學應屆畢業生於 2018 年 3 月 29 日至 4 月 1 日到 中國昆明參加國際職業治療會議,發表了以 “ 試點研 究:以遊戲為基礎的生物反饋技術對老年人的吞嚥 訓練的有效性"為題的畢業論文。 Final year Occupational Therapy students participated in the 2018 International Occupational Therapy Conference in Kunming, China to present their capstone project titled “E ectiveness of Biofeedback Game Based Swallowing Training in elderly: a pilot study” on 29 March - 1 April 2018. 護理學學生於 2018 年 5 月 4 日至 16 日到日本東京參加 護理學學術會議,發表研究成果。同學觀察到 50 歲 以上人士較易受帶狀疱疹感染 ( 生蛇 ) ,而疫苗接種 能有效預防生蛇,因而研究推廣自費接種疫苗工作 能如何提升 50 歲或以上人士的防護意識。 Nursing students presented their research findings on “A brief education to promote herpes zoster vaccination uptake among Hong Kong citizens aged 50 years or above” in the 6th Annual Congress and Medicare Expo in Primary Health Care in Tokyo, Japan on 4 - 16 May 2018. 兩組護理學學生於 2018 年 5 月 21 日至 23 日到日本大阪 參加世界護理大會,發表學術研究成果。一組同學 研究修讀最後一年護理課程的香港學生的壓力來 源,他們的身心健康狀況,以及學生如何處理壓 力。另一組同學研究模擬高齡體驗活動能否有助護 理學生建立照顧年老病人的正面態度。 Two groups of Nursing students presented their research findings in the 26th World Congress on Nursing Care in Osaka, Japan on 21 – 23 May 2018. One of them presented on “Stressors, coping skills and general well-being of Hong Kong final year nursing students” while the other group presented on “E ects of aging simulation programme on attitudes and willingness toward older adults care among undergraduate nursing students in Hong Kong”. 27 海外學術會議 Overseas Academic Conferences 醫療化驗科學學生於 2018 年 6 月 21 日至 22 日參與第 44 屆年度韓國癌症協會會議暨第 4 屆國際癌症會議, 透過與世界各地學者分享和討論研究成果,加深對 最新癌症研究和治療的認識。 Medical Laboratory Science students participated in the 44th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association cum the 4th International Cancer Conference to learn the latest developments in cancer research from international scholars on 21 – 22 June 2018.