年報 2017-18

37 財政 Finance The following charts illustrate TWC's income and expenditure in the year 2017/2018. 以下圖表簡列東華學院於 2017/2018 年度之收入及 支出。 收支摘要 Summary of Income & Expenditure 其他收入 Other Income 學費收入 Tuition Fee Income 9% 91% 23% 校舍管理開支 Campus Management Expenses 2% 教學職員費用 Academic Sta Costs 39% 其他教學開支 Other Academic Expenses 12% 一般及行政開支 General and Administrative Expenses 24% 非教學職員費用 Non-academic Sta Costs 收入 Income 支出 Expenditure