年報 2017-18

• To nurture socially responsible and caring citizens with integrity, sound attitudes, appropriate professional knowledge and competence, who are able to apply theory to practice, to embark onmeaningful careers, to pursue life-long learning and to serve the community and mankind; • To o er quality programmes leveraging on the acknowledged strengths and expertise of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals' core services and specialties, thereby enabling Tung Wah College to occupy a superior position as a programme provider in these areas; • To provide a holistic and outcome-based education through both the formal curriculum and co-curricular activities; • To engage in applied research work so as to enrich teaching and learning and to cultivate the ability to create and innovate; • To be a celebrated home where students can pursue their learning and develop their potential and colleagues can further develop and engage their talents; and • To o er tertiary education to young people with unique talents, who otherwise may be deprived of such opportunity, by a irming these individuals and giving them a chance to be accepted and to serve the society. • 培育學生的社會責任及關顧之心,讓他們具備誠 信、積極進取及專業核心才能,日後能把理論應 用到實踐中,學以致用,投身有意義的工作,並 追求終身學習,貢獻社會,服務人群; • 秉承東華三院在其核心服務及專業領域上的優勢 及專長,發展各種以應用為本的高質素課程,把 握領先的地位,成為相關課程的領導; • 正規課程與課外活動並重,提供整全及以果效為 本的教育; • 積極參與應用研究工作,促進教學研究相長,培 養創意及創新能力; • 提供完善的平台,讓學生實現對學習的追求,發 展潛能;同時讓員工進一步提升及發揮才能; • 為擁有獨特才能但缺乏機會的年青人提供專上教 育,讓他們得以發揮潛能,服務社群。 03 The vision of Tung Wah College is to become a renowned privately-funded tertiary education institution in Hong Kong, recognised for high quality programmes which emphasise practical application while exhibiting Tung Wah Group of Hospitals’ spirit of selfless caring for needy people. 東華學院的願景是成為一所具知名度的私立專上學 院,提供各項高質素課程,強調實踐所學,同時體 現東華三院對有需要人士給予無私關懷的精神。 使命 Mission Statements 願景 Vision 使命 Mission • Passion and unreserved dedication to education; • Respect and love for our students, our colleagues and their families; • Continuous commitment to excellence in education; • Eagerness to serve and work with the community for its development and well-being; • Open, just, caring style of management; and • Determination to manage and deploy resources carefully and e ectively. • 對教育的熱誠及毫無保留的奉獻; • 尊重及愛護我們的學生、同事及其家人; • 對優質教育的持續承諾; • 積極服務及參與社區發展,為社會大眾謀福祉; • 開放、公正、重關愛的管理風格;及 • 謹慎有效地管理和運用資源。 核心價值 Core Values