Copyright and Others
All Resource Sharing requests must comply with the Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong. All requested items through this Resource Sharing Service must be used for private study or research only. Excessive downloading and photocopying, as well as redistribution of the materials, are prohibited.
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Counter: 5/F, KPC
Phone: 3190-6650
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service is a research-support service, which helps eligible users to obtain books or journal articles which are not available via TWC Library but are available from partner libraries.
Eligible User's Privileges
Eligible Users Articles / Book Chapters
(Local and Overseas Sources)
Request Quota1
Academic Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
10 active requests
Research Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
Administrative Staff
1 Each eligible user can have a maximum of 10 active Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests items (such as books, journal articles and book chapters etc.). If there are any unresolved issues recorded in a user's account, it may affect the user's ability to utilize these service privileges.
  1. Supplied format subject to the lending library.
  2. You may download the ILL items in digital format at My Library Record.
  3. The ILL service is subsidized by the Library, so it is free for our eligible users. However, it is subject to review and additional fees may apply when requesting materials from partner libraries.
Copyright and Others
All Resource Sharing requests must comply with the Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong. All requested items through this Resource Sharing Service must be used for private study or research only. Excessive downloading and photocopying, as well as redistribution of the materials, are prohibited.
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Need help? Contact us
Counter: 5/F, KPC
Phone: 3190-6650
Steps of Submitting ILL Journal Article Request
Track the Progress and Download of the Request Item
Eligible User's Privileges
Eligible Users Articles / Book Chapters
(Local and Overseas Sources)
Request Quota1
Academic Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
10 active requests
Research Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
Administrative Staff
1 Each eligible user can have a maximum of 10 active Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests items (such as books, journal articles and book chapters etc.). If there are any unresolved issues recorded in a user's account, it may affect the user's ability to utilize these service privileges.
  1. Supplied format subject to the lending library.
  2. You may download the ILL items in digital format at My Library Record.
  3. The ILL service is subsidized by the Library, so it is free for our eligible users. However, it is subject to review and additional fees may apply when requesting materials from partner libraries.
Copyright and Others
All Resource Sharing requests must comply with the Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong. All requested items through this Resource Sharing Service must be used for private study or research only. Excessive downloading and photocopying, as well as redistribution of the materials, are prohibited.
Search at TWC Search

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Need help? Contact us
Counter: 5/F, KPC
Phone: 3190-6650
Steps of Submitting ILL Book Chapter Request
  1. Please login the TWC Search
  2. Select “expand your search”, or
  3. Select “Beyond TWC (for Interlibrary Loan)” search scope under the search box.
  4. When you find your desired items, select “Get it for me from other libraries” to view the available offers. 
  5. Fill in the “college email address”, specifying the “chapter title” and “page numbers” you need to submit your ILL request. (To find the required chapter title and page numbers, you can refer to the respective publisher.)  Then, check the box to agree to the copyright requirements and click the “Send” button.
  6. A message “The request was successfully submitted” is shown after submitting a request.
  7. If the desired item is not listed, select “Looking for a specific item that you can’t find? Click here to request via Interlibrary loan” to place a manual request on the blank form. Provide as much information as possible in the relevant fields to help locate your request quickly and easily.
Track the Progress and Download of the Request Item
Delivery times will vary depending on the schedules of the lending libraries and the availability of the requested items. An e-mail notification will be sent to the user when the digital copy of the item is available for download.
Upon receipt of the notification e-mail, user must login to My Library Record to download the digital copy of the item in 30 days. The item can be downloaded up to 3 times and will be automatically deleted after 30 days.
Eligible User's Privileges
Eligible Users Book (Local Sources)
Request Quota1 Overdue Fine Recalled Overdue Fine
Academic Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
10 active requests HK$2 per day per item HK$4 per day per item
Research Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
Administrative Staff
1 Each eligible user can have a maximum of 10 active Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests items (such as books, journal articles and book chapters etc.). If there are any unresolved issues recorded in a user's account, it may affect the user's ability to utilize these service privileges.
  1. All ILL items are subject to recall.
  2. All ILL items must be collected and returned in-person at the KPC Library Counter.
  3. The ILL service is subsidized by the Library, so it is free for our eligible users. However, it is subject to review and additional fees may apply when requesting materials from partner libraries.
  4. No ILL item may be taken outside Hong Kong without prior permission from the Lending Library.
Copyright and Others
All Resource Sharing requests must comply with the Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong. All requested items through this Resource Sharing Service must be used for private study or research only. Excessive downloading and photocopying, as well as redistribution of the materials, are prohibited.
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Need help? Contact us
Counter: 5/F, KPC
Phone: 3190-6650
Steps of Submitting ILL Book Request
Track the Request Progress
Lost or Damaged Items
Lost or damaged Resource Sharing items must be reported to the Library as soon as possible. The replacement cost will be charged for each item. Additionally, borrowers are responsible for any replacement or repair costs determined by the lending library.