The ILL service is provided in accordance with the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance Cap. 528, which only allows photocopying of no more than one copy of one article from an issue of a journal. Article requests violating the copyright restrictions will not be completed by the Library.
Requester is required to acknowledge and confirm compliance to the Copyright Statement on the ILL Request Form each time when a request is sent.
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Phone: 3190-6650
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service is a research-support service, which helps eligible users to obtain books or journal articles which are not available via TWC Library but are available from partner libraries.
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Counter: 5/F, KPC
Phone: 3190-6650
Loan Privileges for Book
Eligible Users Loan Quota1 Request Limit2 Loan Period
(including admin & shipping time)
Maximum Loan Period Overdue Fine3 Recalled Overdue Fine3
TWC Academic Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
10 10 60 days 120 days HK$2 per day per item HK$4 per day per item
TWC Research Staff
(Full-time/ Part-time)
Non-academic Full-time Staff 30 days 60 days
TWC Full-time Student
1 The ILL loan quota will be counted in your total loan quota.
2 The ILL request limit will be counted in your total request limit.
3 Holiday exclusive
  • ILL items are subject to recall.
  • All items must be collected and returned in-person at the Library Counter.
  • No ILL item may be taken outside Hong Kong without prior permission from the Lending Library.
  • Borrower shall be held responsible for any loss or damage of the ILL items and abide by the book replacement and/or penalty policies of the Lending Library.
Steps for Book Request
1. Can’t find a book via Library Catalogue? Please login the TWC Search and check holdings via:
TWC Search – Union Search

2. Once the book is found available via TWC’s partners, please Click on the [Check for available services] button.

3. Click the [Resources Sharing] button.

4. For multi-volume title, select the [Volume] you would like to request.

5. Check whether the pre-filled information is correct, check the declaration box and click the [Send Request] button.
Steps of Submitting ILL Book Chapter Request Form
1. Is the book cannot be found at TWC Search, but only a few book chapters are needed? Please login to the TWC Search and submit the ILL request form.

2. Click the [more] button.

3. Select “ILL REQUEST”.

4. Select “Book” in Citation Type, and check the box “I only need a specific chapter or pages”.

5. Check whether the filled information is correct, and select the format that you would like to receive.

6. Check the declaration box and click the [Send Request] button.
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Counter: 5/F, KPC
Phone: 3190-6650
Loan Privileges for Article
Steps of Submitting ILL Article Request Form
1. Is your article cannot be found at TWC Search? Please login to the TWC Search and submit the ILL request form.

2. Click the [more] button.

3. Select “ILL REQUEST”.

4. Select “Article” in Citation Type, and fill in the information.

5. Check whether the filled information is correct, and select the format that you would like to receive.

6. Check the declaration box and click the [Send Request] button.