Title | Call Number |
Academic writing : a handbook for international students | PE1413 .B28 2018 |
Collins COBUILD advanced learner’s dictionary | PE1625 .C6556 2014 |
The practical grammar handbook for college writers | PE1112 .A54 2015 |
A writer's handbook : developing writing skills for university students | PE1478 .W74 2018 |
Collins : 易學易記英語用法 = Collins : how to use English | PE1460 .C65512 2014 |
Title | Call Number |
AP English language and composition : premium 2023-2024 | PE66 .E374 2022 |
Correct your English errors : avoid 99% of the common mistakes made by learners of English | PE1128 .C649 2018 |
求職英語一本通 : 適合各行各業的面試實戰指南 | HF5549.5.I6 Y48 2021 |
醫病溝通英文句典 = Overheard in the hospital | PE1127 .M4 Y346 2018 |
Title | Call Number |
English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English. with answers | PE1112 .M8 2019 |
Grammar & writing skills for the health professional | PE1116.M44 V55 2018 |
The Farlex grammar book. examples, exceptions, exercises, and everything you need to master proper grammar | PE1112 .F375 2016 |
英文文法入門指引 = Basic English grammar guide | PE1130.C4 L88 2018 |
The Cambridge dictionary of English grammar | Online Access |
English for academic research : grammar exercises | Online Access |
Essential grammar for today’s writers, students, and teachers | Online Access |
Title | Call Number |
牛津英語大師用THINK MAP教你雅思IELTS單字 | PE1449 .M3386 2020 |
English for academic research : vocabulary exercises | Online Access |
Title | Call Number |
Conferencing and presentation English for young academics | P129 .G84 2018 |
里茲螞蟻: 救急英文口說 : 掌握說話公式, 不管什麼問題都能聰明回答! | PE1128 .L56212 2023 |
Speaking persuasively : the essential guide to giving dynamic presentations and speeches | Online Access |
Title | Call Number |
Prism reading. Intro | PE1128 .P7572 2018 |
Prism reading. 1 | PE1128 .P7573 2018 |
Prism reading. 2 | PE1128 .P7574 2018 |
Prism reading. 3 | PE1128 .P7575 2018 |
Prism reading. 4 | PE1128 .P7576 2018 |
Northstar. Reading & writing. 1 | PE1128 .A492 2020 |
Northstar. Reading & writing. 2 | PE1128 .A493 2020 |
Northstar. Reading & writing. 3 | PE1128 .A494 2020 |
Northstar. Reading & writing. 4 | PE1128 .A495 2020 |
Reading across the disciplines : college reading and beyond | PE1122 .M37 2018 |
Skillful. 4, Reading & writing, Student's book | PE1417 .W379 2018 |
- British Council Hong Kong (YouTube Channel)
- BBC Learning English (YouTube Channel)
- Learning English with the Voice of America
- Voice Tube
- English for Uni (University of Adelaide)
- English Language Centre (University of Victoria)
- The Internet Grammar of English (University College London)
- Write and Improve (Cambridge English)
- Writing Skills Support (University of New South Wales)
- Online Writing Lab (Purdue University)
- Advice on Academic Writing (University of Toronto)
- Writing and Assessments (RMIT)
- Oral Presentations (RMIT)
- Say It Right (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Cambridge Dictionaries Online
- Lexico (Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Spanish to English Translator)
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
- Inter-institutional Collaborative Online Self-Access Project (Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Grammar (Lexico)
- BBC Learning English
- Alison (Free online courses)
- RTHK E-learning Platform
- English Online France (Centre de Linguistique Appliquee)
- Funscreen – Movie English
- English for Health Sciences (YouTube Playlist)
- Active Reading
Active Reading helps learners develop the whole range of reading skills: prediction, vocab strategies, inference, skimming, topic sentences and more. Learners work on a wide variety of text types, based around lively, stimulating topics. They can listen to the texts (in a variety of accents), and each unit finishes with a freer skills-based activity. - Clear Pronunciation: Sound
Clear Pronunciation teaches you the 43 sounds of English: you will learn the full range of sounds by themselves, in words, sentences, and in larger texts. Using these online materials, you will learn through sound clips, video clips, and a range of activities that make sure you cover all the skills you need. Listen, learn, practise, and compare. With the Clarity Recorder, you can practise sounds, words, or sentences and compare your pronunciation with native speaker examples - Clear Pronunciation: Speech
In Clear Pronunciation 2 you’ll learn to use consonant clusters, word stress, sentence stress, connected speech and intonation. You’ll watch tutorials from teachers, listen to plenty of native-speaker examples, work through lots of different speaking exercises, and you can even compare your pronunciation to the examples, using the Clarity Recorder. - Practical Writing
Practical Writing is for students who need to use written English both in their studies and in their personal life. - Road to IELTS
Road to IELTS is the British Council’s comprehensive, 100% online IELTS preparation program. It includes over 300 interactive activities, 13 advice videos and 40 practice tests. - Study Skills Success
Study Skills Success aims to equips students with more effective and efficent study strategies in learning English. - Tense Buster
Tense Buster is a grammar program at five levels from Elementary through to Advanced. Each level includes a number of key grammar areas which are tackled in a systematic manner from presentation to practice to test.
Title | Call Number |
雅思閱讀聖經 | PE1128 .K3697 2022 |
閱讀8.0 : 考前衝刺, 就靠這一本! | PE1128 .L498 2020 |
Work it out : 雅思IELTS學術寫作與閱讀鍛鍊 | PE1128 .L566 2019 |
Title | Call Number |
雅思寫作聖經 : 小作文 | PE1128 .K36962 2022 |
30天雅思寫作7+攻略 : 必備句型、加分搭配詞、邏輯寫作大綱, 取分重點考前完全掌握 | PE1128 .X536 2022 |
全新! No.1 IELTS雅思寫作題庫大全 | PE1128 .H22512 2020 |
寫作8.0考前衝刺,就靠這一本! | PE1128 .L4984 2020 |
最強雅思口說寫作 : 考前必看「答題模組」, 口說、寫作高分過關! | PE1128 .B769 2021 |
Title | Call Number |
一次就考到雅思聽力7+ | PE1128 .K36942 2019 |
聽力8.0 : 考前衝刺, 就靠這一本! | PE1128 .L4982 2020 |
連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思聽力解題祕笈 | PE1128 .B7164 2018 |
雅思聽力聖經 | PE1128 .K36955 2021 |
雅思聽力高分全攻略 = IELTS : a complete strategy for IELTS listening | PE1128 .W368 2018 |
Title | Call Number |
口說8.0 : 考前衝刺, 就靠這一本! | PE1128 .L4983 2020 |
最強雅思口說寫作 : 考前必看「答題模組」, 口說、寫作高分過關! | PE1128 .B769 2021 |
雅思口說聖經 | PE1128 .K36956 2021 |
雅思口說教戰手冊 : 從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音 讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士 | PE1128 .L563 2021 |
里茲螞蟻: 救急英文口說 : 掌握說話公式, 不管什麼問題都能聰明回答! | PE1128 .L56212 2023 |
雅思口說聖經 | Online Access |
雅思口說教戰手冊 : 從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音 讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士 | Online Access |
IELTS Speaking | Internet Resource |
IELTS Speaking Test Video Samples (YouTube Channel) | Internet Resource |