If the donation is HK$100 or more, an official receipt for tax deduction will be issued. 若捐款港幣$100或以上,將會獲發可申報免稅的正式收據。
Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential by Tung Wah College for communication purpose only. We would like to keep you updated on our latest development, fundraising and other educational activities. For further details about TWC’s Personal Information Collection Statement, please visit here.
您的個人資料絕對保密,只供學院與閣下聯絡。 此外亦會透過您的通訊資料提供有關學院最新發展、籌款、教育活動等資訊。如欲查詢東華學院的收集個人資料聲明,請參閱 此處。
Thank you in advance for your generosity. 非常感謝您對東華學院的支持!