TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

獻辭 Anniversary Messages 何炳裕先生 Mr Patrick Ho Ping Yu 署理校長(行政及拓展) Acting President (Administration & Development) The 10th anniversary of Tung Wah College (TWC) marks an important milestone for us. As the Acting President (Administration & Development), I am honoured to participate in the great celebration. After ten years of development, I am glad to see a good governance structure being established in the College. The administration units and academic schools, while having their own sets of duties and goals, work closely together in executing the College’s affairs efficiently. High efficiency becomes the key to the College’s success. On resource planning, we adhere to the prudent principles of financial management to ensure that resources are effectively used to support the College’s mission of providing quality education. As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary with joy and excitement, our jubilant mood is further enhanced with another good news – the opening of the new Kwai Hing Campus (KHC) in Kowloon Commerce Centre, Kwai Chung. Equipped with a wide range of teaching and learning facilities, the new campus features, among others, a specially-designed nursing clinical simulation training laboratory to provide extensive clinical training close to actual working environment for our nursing students. Opening of KHC would help the College nurture more professional nurses and alleviate the shortage of nurses in the society. As we look back to celebrate our glorious ten years, we also steer the College towards a brighter future. As the College’s current 5-year Strategic Plan (2016/2017 - 2020/2021) will end next year, we are now conducting a public consultation exercise to collect views for drawing up the next 5-year strategic plan. We would identify the key strategic areas to work on and devote our utmost effort to achieve the goal of becoming a private university in the coming years. I take pride in the accomplishments TWC has achieved over the past decade. I wish the College more brilliant years ahead and have strong confidence that it would never stop from reaching new heights. 東 華學院成立十周年,標誌着學院踏入新里程。能以 署理校長(行政與拓展)的身份參與其中,我感到十分 榮幸。 學院經過十年發展,管治架構日趨完善,各個行政和學 術部門分工明晰,彼此又保持緊密合作,事事極具效 率,是學院賴以成功的根基。在資源運用方面,學院一 直恪守審慎理財原則,確保資源能用得其所,信守東華 學院為莘莘學子提供優質教育的使命。 在擴建校園方面,學院亦迎來好消息,位於葵涌九龍貿 易中心的葵興新校舍經已啟用,為學院十周年誌慶更添 欣喜。新校舍設備一應俱全,特別設有一間臨床護理模 擬實驗室,能為護理學學生提供貼近真實工作環境的臨 床訓練。新校舍的啟用將有助學院培育更多專業護士, 緩解當前護士人手不足的問題。 回望過去光輝十年的同時,學院亦放眼未來,正擬定 各項發展計劃,令學院未來發展更上一層樓。學院現行 的五年策略性發展計劃 (2016/2017 - 2020/2021) 將於明年 結束。為此管理層正廣納意見,制定全新的策略發展 計劃,規劃學院未來發展方向,全力為升格私立大學 邁進。 我深以學院在過去十年發展取得重大成就為榮。謹此祝 願學院竿頭日進,未來十年再創高峰。 07 十周年紀念特刊