TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

獻辭 Anniversary Messages 林德明教授 Prof Lawrence Lam Tak Ming 署理校長(學術) Acting President (Academic) The year 2020 marks the 10th Anniversary of Tung Wah College (TWC). As the Acting President (Academic), I am honoured to lead the College to celebrate this momentous occasion. I amalso glad to see the College filled with an air of festivity in recent days. The last ten years have seen the College developed in many areas to become one of the major contributors in the self-financing tertiary education sector nowadays. We currently offer 16 degree, sub-degree, diploma and certificate programmes covering four disciplines, namely arts and humanities, medical and health sciences, management, and nursing. We now have a student population of more than 2,800 and have nurtured over 2,600 graduates to serve in different sectors of society. On the collaboration front, we have signed a number of Memoranda of Understanding or Agreement with local and overseas tertiary institutions or organisations. Our research projects succeeded in receiving funding from the Research Grants Council. We have also made significant progress in achieving our goal of becoming a private university. We have been granted our first Programme Area Accreditation status in Occupational Therapy in April this year after completing the accreditation exercise of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. This marks our very first step taken to become a private university. Looking forward, we would continue working together to attain our goal in the coming years. With the staunch support of various parties, the College is able to conclude its first decade with a string of successes. I would like to particularly thank my academic colleagues for their dedicated efforts. While giving out all their hearts to teaching and learning, they have provided their valuable advice and have advanced the College’s development in many areas. Their contribution is profound. They have formed TWC’s quality education nowadays. I am also glad that a solid foundation was laid for TWC over the last decade and I wish TWC more glorious years ahead. 東 華學院踏入十周年,學院洋溢歡慶氣氛。能以署理 校長(學術)的身份帶領學院慶祝這一重要時刻,我感 到十分榮幸及高興。 經過十年歲月,學院規模漸見完善,目前已成為香港自 資高等院校界的重要一員。學院目前提供 16 項學位、副 學位、文憑及證書課程,涵蓋人文、醫療及健康科學、 管理學及護理學四個範疇,有超過 2,800 名學生就讀, 歷年培育出超過 2,600 名畢業生,為各行各業培訓不少 人才。在拓展合作關係上,學院與多間海內外的大專院 校和機構,簽訂合作備忘或協議;研究項目亦取得研究 資助局的撥款。 學院成立十周年,在發展成為私立大學的工作上,亦取 得重大進展。學院今年四月成功以職業治療學科通過香 港學術及職業資歷評審局的學科範圍評審,取得學院首 個學科範圍評審資格,邁開成為私立大學的第一步。未 來我們將繼續全力以赴,朝着成為私立大學的目標奮 進。 學院過去十年成績斐然,實在有賴各方鼎力支持,我在 此謹表謝意,當中特別感謝校內一眾學術同仁。他們既 要應付繁重教務,亦為學院各項發展出謀劃策,付出極 大心力。學院過去十年以優質教育取信於社會,他們實 在功不可沒。 謹在此祝願學院能繼承過往十年的發展基礎,開拓更美 好的將來。 06 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet