TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

獻辭 Anniversary Messages 陳文綺慧女士 , BBS Mrs Viola Chan Man Yee-wai, BBS 東華學院校務委員會主席 Chairman of College Council of TWC The 10th Anniversary of Tung Wah College (TWC) is not only a commemorative moment for us to celebrate, but also a point in time which is of special meaning to me. As the Founding Chairman of the Board of Governors and having been the Chairman of the College Council since its establishment, I have witnessed the establishment, growth and many breakthroughs of the College over the past ten years. With the staunch support from the current and the former members of the Board of Governors and the College Council, the Presidents, the academic and administrative staff, partners, alumni and students, TWC has grown rapidly and has gradually developed to become a quality self-financing post-secondary institution with a solid reputation in medical and healthcare education. The initial years of TWC was not without challenges. However, with courage and perseverance, TWC has embarked on a unique journey with encouraging success. TWC has grown over the first decade to become a tertiary institution renowned for its quality and practical nursing and healthcare education. At the same time, TWC is committed to nurturing diverse talents to meet societal needs by offering programmes covering a wide range of disciplines such as social and business sustainability, early childhood education, applied gerontology and applied psychology. The number of programmes has increased from 2 at its founding to 16 as of the day. The theme of TWC’s 10th anniversary is “Thrive with Knowledge • Serve with Heart”, exhibiting the College’s mission in nurturing talents who have a selfless heart to serve the needy. TWC aims high at enriching students’ lives with scholarly education, and encouraging the pursuit and exploration of academic knowledge, as well as committing to the advancement of applied research in various disciplines. By offering people-oriented high-quality professional education, we help youngsters who otherwise may be deprived of such opportunity. We hope to add value to the students’ lives by affirming them, sharpening their capabilities and enhancing their competitiveness. Through the few years of studies in the College, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to become highly capable young talents with a sense of commitment to the society. We believe that students’ commitment to serving the society with a caring heart will have good impact on others’ lives and help advance the development of our society. I take pride in the tremendous accomplishments the College has made in the past ten years. The TWC of today owes much to the concerted efforts of every member of the College and the support and recognition from all sectors of the society. Looking ahead, TWC will uphold its mission and continue to nurture young people with unique talents to serve the community and mankind. I wish the College another fruitful decade ahead. 東 華學院十周年校慶,除了是一個饒富紀念價值的日 子,對我而言亦別具意義。作為學院創校校董會主席, 並擔任校務委員會主席至今,十年來我見證着學院的創 立、成長與突破。在歷屆校董會及校務委員會、校長、 教職員、合作伙伴、校友和學生的大力支持下,東華學 院成長迅速,漸漸發展成為一間具醫療特色的自資專上 院校。 東華學院的十年成長路固然充滿挑戰,但憑藉着一股堅 毅果敢的精神,學院踏上一條與別不同的光輝道路。猶 記得學院創立初期僅開辦兩項課程,但經歷十年開拓, 學院現時共開辦十六項課程,並在社會上確立清晰的定 位,成為本港一間以護理及醫療專業實用課程聞名的專 上學院。另一方面,學院亦開辦涵蓋不同範疇的課程, 例如社、商企業持續發展管理學、幼兒教育、應用老年 學、應用心理學等,致力培育多元化人才,切合社會所 需。 學院十周年主題定為「嘉學勵研.以心惠群」,旨在彰 顯學院培育人才服務社會的使命。學院既鼓勵學問知識 的追求和探究,亦銳意發展各學科的應用研究,期望以 學術陶鑄每位年青人的生命。我們提供各項以人為本的 優質專業課程,為年青一代創優增值,特別惠及社會上 具有獨特才能但缺乏機會的年青人,讓他們在學院學習 期間,更好地裝備自己,成為一班有才幹,又對社會有 承擔的年青新一代。他們懷着一顆熱切的心服務社群, 將會以生命影響生命,推動社會繼續向前發展和進步。 我深以學院過去十年取得多項重大成就為榮,並對此心 懷感激。學院發展並非一朝一夕,能在短短十年創出佳 績,實在有賴學院上下共同努力及社會各界的支持和肯 定。東華學院往後定必繼續竭誠盡心,信守為社會培育 優秀人才的使命,開創更美好的下一個十年。 05 十周年紀念特刊