TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

48 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 林諾詩 Stephanie Lam Lok Sze 物理治療學(榮譽)理學士三年級生 Year 3 Student of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physiotherapy 東華學院第五屆學生會幹事會主席 President of the 5th Executive Committee of Tung Wah College Students’ Union 學生及校友 Students and Alumni Teachers of the physiotherapy programme are dedicated to teaching and I have learnt a lot in their theory and practice lessons over the past two years. As the programme adopts small class teaching, it helps stimulate our learning initiatives and facilitate a pleasant learning atmosphere. I look forward to having my clinical practicum in a hospital during my third-year of studies. I believe that I could accumulate precious clinical experience and acquire useful skills on how to handle patients and design their therapy programmes. While I enjoy spending time with the elderly, I also want to have a career that is related to sports. Therefore, I would like to specialise in geriatric and sports rehabilitation in the future and become a physio-yoga therapist. Congratulations to TWC on the 10th Anniversary. I wish all members of TWC great spirit and good health. 物 理治療學一眾老師教學用心,理論和實踐課 內容豐富,令我在過去兩年獲益良多。小班教學 下,同學的參與及投入度亦非常高,學習氣氛良 好。我十分期待在學院安排下到醫院臨床實習, 相信能從中獲取寶貴經驗,掌握更多問症、病人 觀察和設計治療等技巧。 我特別喜歡跟老人家相處,同時非常嚮往投身 跟運動相關的工作,故此我希望將來能從事老人 復康及體育復康治療,成為一名物理治療瑜伽 導師。 恭賀東華學院十周年校 慶!祝願學院仝人身心 愉快、身體健康。 伍凱瑤 Janice Ng Hoi Yiu 物理治療學(榮譽)理學士三年級生 Year 3 Student of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physiotherapy A decade has gone by so quickly that TWC is now celebrating its 10th Anniversary. As a young and vibrant institution, the College has established its footing in the tertiary education sector and has nurtured generations of talents for the society. I truly believe that the College could reach far beyond the present in the coming years, as we are improving and growing from time to time. As a third-year student in TWC, the College has been a companion in my life and empowered me like a beacon. My heartfelt congratulations to TWC on its 10th Anniversary! 轉 眼間東華學院已經成立十周年。學院雖然年 輕,但已為高等教育界所熟知,歷年為社會培育 了不少人才。我相信學院未來發展將更勝從前, 教學水平亦會不斷提高。轉眼間在學院的學習, 已踏入第三個學年,學院已成為我人生的友伴, 有如燈塔一般,賦予我光明和力量。 謹向學院十周年誌慶,致以誠摯祝賀! 伍凱瑤(前排左二)前赴北京參加第十六屆亞洲體適能交流大會,與亞 洲一眾運動業者交流。 Janice (left 2, front row) participated in The 16th Asian Fitness Education Expo 2019 and met the elite of the Asian fitness industry in Beijing. 林諾詩(前排中)與一眾學生會幹事 會成員合影。 Stephanie (middle, front row) and her cabinet members.