TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

53 十周年紀念特刊 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 海外交流 Overseas Study Tours TWC believes that textbook is not the only means to acquire knowledge. Broadening students’ global horizons shares the same importance. Over the past ten years, the College has held a number of overseas study tours for students to join, enriching their learning experience by visiting various countries. 東 華學院深信知識不單來自書本,增廣見聞,擴闊視野 亦同樣重要,故此學院在過去十年舉辦多個海外交流 團,讓學生透過遊歷不同國家,豐富學習經歷。 護理學學生參加美國學術考察團,前往俄亥俄州克里夫 蘭體驗當地臨床護理工作。 Nursing students join a study tour to the US and experience the clinical nursing work in Cleveland, Ohio. 十八位修讀幼兒教育、物理治療等不同學科的同學,參 加柬埔寨文化交流服務團。 18 students of various programmes, including early childhood education and physiotherapy, participate in a cultural service tour to Cambodia. 美國之行包括「影子工作」一環,護理學學生在美國著 名的克里夫蘭醫療中心,跟隨當地護士體驗臨床工作。 The American tour includes an integral part of “job shadowing” in which nursing students could experience the clinical work of nurses at Cleveland Clinic, a renowned academic medical centre in the US. 同學探訪當地小學及孤兒院,在旅程實踐所學,規劃 未來路向。 Through visiting a primary school and an orphanage, the students could apply what they have learnt and plan for their future.