TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

54 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 心理學、工商管理及護理學學生參加英國學術考察團, 加深對英倫文化的認識。 Psychology, business administration and nursing students participate in an England study tour to deepen their understanding of the English culture. 職業治療學學生參加瑞典延雪平學術交流團。 Occupational therapy students participate in a study tour to Jonkoping, Sweden. 學生參加高桌晚宴,學習餐桌禮儀。他們亦獲安排家庭 留宿,透過與當地人溝通,加強英語溝通能力。 The students attend a high table dinner to learn dining etiquette. They are also arranged to stay in a local family and grasp the opportunity to practice oral English. 學生在復康中心與患有柏金遜症的老人 共舞。 The students dance with the elderly with Parkinson Disease in a rehabilitation centre.