TWC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet

55 十周年紀念特刊 東 華學院畢業生就業前景理想,十年來表現備 受僱主認同。根據 2018/2019 年畢業生調查,近 90% 受訪畢業生成功獲聘或選擇繼續進修,就業 畢業生平均月薪超過 $29,000 ,月入中位數亦接近 $33,000 ,反映學院畢業生在就業市場上極具競 爭力。 在就業界別方面,學院畢業生主要投身醫護 行業。根據 2018/2019 年畢業生調查,九成畢業生 在醫護界工作,其餘則在商業、教育等不同界別 就業。 The career prospects of TWC graduates are promising as their job performance has been widely recognised by employers over the past ten years. According to TWC’s Graduate Survey 2018/2019, nearly 90% of respondents were engaged in employment or pursued further studies. Both the average monthly salary and the median monthly salary recorded a significant increase to over $29,000 and about $33,000 respectively. These two figures revealed the strong competitiveness of TWC graduates. As for the employment sectors, a large majority of TWC graduates worked in the medical and healthcare sector. According to the Survey, 90% of the graduates worked in the sector while other graduates took up various positions in business, education and other sectors. 畢業生就業前景理想 Bright Career Prospects of Graduates 2018/2019 年畢業生投身界別 2018/2019 Employment Sectors of Graduates 4% 商業 Business 90% 醫護 Medical and Healthcare 3% 教育 Education 3% 其他 Others 畢業生就業前景 Graduates' Employment Prospects 畢業生薪酬趨勢 Graduate Salary Trend $17,385 $29,138 $32,991 $17,292 平均每月收入 Average Monthly Salary 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $HKD $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 月入中位數 Median Monthly Salary