
僱主心聲 Employers’ Feedback 宣國棟先生 Mr Eddie Suen 香港耀能協會行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer of SAHK 李植寧先生 Mr Harry Lee 琥珀教育 (香港) 服務有限公司行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer of Amber Education (Hong Kong) Services Limited Training of occupational therapists is having a long history in Hong Kong. The launching of the Occupational Therapy Bachelor Programme (OTBP) by TWC is not only a breakthrough of such, but also helps inject new blood to the sector. The curriculum of OTBP addresses the needs of community rehabilitation services. It gives a timely response to the demands of non-government rehabilitation service organisations and helps alleviate the shortage of occupational therapists. Social service is an undertaking that takes one’s heart and soul. Currently, there are two graduates working as occupational therapists in the Association. Their positive attitude and willingness to work hard have been well commended by their seniors. With the continuing expansion of our services, I render my warmest welcome to graduates of TWC to join and serve with us the needy of society. Year 2020 is the 10th Anniversary of TWC. I wish TWC prosperous years ahead and further success on its mission to nurture talents for society. 本 港的職業治療人才培訓有着悠久歷史。 東華學院開辦職業治療學學士課程,不單為相 關培訓帶來突破,更為行業培育生力軍。 東華學院的職業治療課程設計,特別關顧社區 復康服務需要,回應非政府復康機構對職業治 療人才的殷切需求,紓緩職業治療師短缺的 情況。 社會服務是一項由心出發的工作。協會目前有 兩位畢業自東華學院的職業治療師,他們工作 投入、態度積極,表現獲上司認同。隨着協會 服務持續發展,我誠摯歡迎東華學院畢業生加 入協會,與我們並肩服務社會上有需要人士。 今年是東華學院成立的十周年,我在此祝願 學院未來發展更上一層樓,為社會培育更多 人才。 Students of TWC are proactive, flexible and have a solid attitude that empower them to accept challenges in different environments. Graduates of TWC seize the ample opportunities provided by Amber Education to acquire practical job knowledge and learn about how further education can help establish interpersonal networks conducive to their personal career development. They are also strongly encouraged to enrich their learning experience and rise up to challenges by actively participating in academic activities. Amber Education hereby congratulates TWC on its 10th Anniversary. We wish the College all the success in its mission of fostering lifelong learning and reciprocation to society, and continue to nurture professionals for Hong Kong. 東 華學院的學生積極進取、思想靈活、態度 務實,能接受不同環境所帶來的挑戰。他們充 分運用本公司提供的機會,增進實際工作知 識,了解如何透過不斷進修,擴闊人際網絡和 發展個人事業。我們同時鼓勵東華學院的畢業 生主動參與學術活動,豐富學習體驗,學習遇 到挑戰要迎難而上的精神。 在此恭賀東華學院十周年誌慶,祝願東華學院 成功達成推動終身學習的教育使命,惠澤社 群,為香港培育更多專業人才。 58 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet