
學院與社區 TWC and the Community 59 十周年紀念特刊 從服務中學習 To Serve and To Learn TWC is committed to fostering students’ social awareness and caring attitude through organising a wide range of community service and charitable activities every year. Over the past ten years, TWC has collaborated with more than 100 social welfare and non-profit organisations, including Fu Hong Society, The Jade Club and The Rotary Club of Hong Kong City North, to provide students with various service opportunities. Through participating in volunteer work, students could establish a positive life attitude and sharpen their interpersonal and communication skills. 為 培育學生成為具社會意識和關懷身邊人的年輕人, 東華學院每年組織不同的社會服務及慈善活動,供學生 參加。 在過去十年,學院與超過 100 個社福機構及非牟利組織合 作,為學生安排不同範疇的義工服務,合作伙伴包括扶 康會、尊賢會及香港城北扶輪社等。透過參加義工服 務,學生得以建立積極的人生觀,並從中鍛煉與人溝通 協作的技巧。 學生參加扶康會「香港最佳老友運動」,為智障人士送 上愛心與關懷。 Students convey love and care for people with intellectual disabilities in the “Best Buddies Hong Kong” Movement organised by Fu Hong Society. 學生參加尊賢會年度活動《耆舞派對》,與長者大跳 「快樂椅子舞」,藉此喚起大眾對老年課題的關注。 Joining the “Jade Party”, an annual event organised by The Jade Club, students perform the Happy Chair-based Dance with the elderly to raise public awareness of ageing in the population. 東華學院社會服務團每年舉辦多項學生義工活動。 TWC Community Service Team organises a wide range of student volunteer activities every year. 物理治療學與職業治療學學生參加「與腦麻同行嘉年 華」,宣揚關懷腦麻患者的訊息。 Physiotherapy andoccupational therapy students participate in Cerebral Palsy Carnival to promote the message of caring patients with cerebral palsy. 物理治療學及醫療化驗科學學生參加「拒絕電子煙/加 熱煙健康生活嘉年華」,向公眾推廣無煙生活的訊息。 Physiotherapy and medical laboratory science students participate in the “Say No to Electronic/Heated Cigarettes Health Carnival” to promote a smoke-free lifestyle to the public.