年報 2017-18

Professor Yu-hon Lui, MH President 呂汝漢教授, MH 校長 09 學生發展及成就 東華學院鼓勵學生從不同途徑拓闊視野,達致全人發展。 為鼓勵在學業和課外活動表現優秀的同學,學院每年均會 提供多項獎學金, 2017/2018 年共有 194 位同學獲頒獎學 金,總數達 377 萬元,獲獎人數及金額均創歷年新高。 學院在 2017/2018 學年資助了 198 名學生參與 21 項交流活 動,讓學生到訪澳洲、加拿大、德國、日本、瑞典、英 國、台灣、中國內地等,參與文化交流或出席學術會議, 擴闊國際視野。學院推行的工作體驗學習計劃,亦獲得眾 多大型機構(例如立法會秘書處、交通銀行、東華三院 等)的支持,為同學提供實習機會,以備他們日後投身職 場。此外,同學在多個比賽中(例如油尖旺區校長會傑出 學生獎勵計劃、『挑戰盃』創新及創業大賽、和富領袖網 絡幹事會等)脫穎而出,勇奪佳績。 畢業生就業前景 東華學院畢業生向來備受僱主歡迎, 2018 年的畢業生調查 顯示,近九成的受訪者於畢業後迅即成功獲聘或選擇繼續 進修,整體的平均月薪達港幣 $27,925 。醫護界是最多畢業 生投身的界別,佔約 90% 。調查結果反映學院的畢業生在 就業市場上具有很好的競爭力,也印證我們為醫護界培訓 了不少新血專才。 拓展伙伴合作關係 學院一直致力開拓與本地及世界各地大學及機構的合作機 會,於 2017/2018 學年,學院與多間本地及海外院校及機構 簽訂了合作備忘錄及協議,進一步拓展伙伴網絡。本地合 作伙伴包括保良局、香港浸信會醫院、香港心理衞生會 等,內地合作伙伴包括上海市閔行海外聯誼會、上海新東 苑養老服務有限公司、廣州醫科大學金域檢驗學院、上海 顧連醫療科技有限公司等,海外合作伙伴則包括加拿大漢 堡學院、澳洲西悉尼大學、瑞典延雪平大學等,合作領域 遍及學生交流、學術交流、實習培訓等層面。 總括來說,學院由 2011 年開辦課程之初的三百多名學生, 經過學院仝人多年的努力,擴充至如今的超過二千四百名 學生,所提供的課程亦在質素、規模及種類各方面持續攀 升。我慶幸能與充滿教育熱忱及承擔的同事並肩同行,希 望未來學院上下及社會各界繼續支持東華學院的發展,讓 我們朝著升格成為大學的目標昂首前進。 Student Development and Achievements TWC encourages students to achieve all-rounded development from di erent means. To encourage students with outstanding academic or non-academic performance, TWC o ers a number of scholarships each year. In 2017/2018, the College presented a record high of $3.77 million scholarships to a total of 194 students. In 2017/2018, 198 students attended 21 overseas activities, including exchange programmes and academic conferences in Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Taiwan and Mainland China, to broaden their horizons. On the other hand, TWC’s unique Work Integrated Learning Programme (WILP) is well supported by renowned employers. Sizable organisations, such as Legislative Council Secretariat, Bank of Communications, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, etc., o ered internship places for our students to prepare for their future careers last summer. Moreover, our students excelled in various competitions, such as Yau Tsim Mong District School Liaison Committee Outstanding Students Award Scheme, “Challenge Cup” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Wofoo Leaders’ Network, etc. Graduate Employment Outlook Our graduates are well-received by employers. According to the result of the 2018 Graduate Survey, nearly 90% of the respondents had secured jobs or opted for continuing studies upon graduation. The average salary of the graduates was HK$27,925 per month, with about 90% of them engaged in medical and healthcare careers. The survey results showed that our graduates were highly competitive in the employment market, and these further a irmed our contribution in nurturing healthcare professionals for society. Partnership and Collaboration TWC strives to explore collaborative opportunities with local and overseas tertiary education institutions and organisations. In 2017/2018, the College signed a number of Memorandums of Understanding and Memorandums of Agreement with local and overseas partners. Local partners include Po Leung Kuk, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, etc. Mainland partners include Shanghai Minhang Chinese Overseas Friendship Association, NEY Sublime Senior Living, Guangzhou Medical University KingMed College of Laboratory Medicine, Care Alliance, etc. Overseas partners include Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, Western Sydney University, Jönköping University, etc. Areas of cooperation cover student exchange, academic exchange, internship and training, etc. Thanks to the members of the College for their concerted e orts in the past years. With their contribution, our student population has grown from over 300 since the launch of the first programme in 2011 to the current size of over 2,400. Quality, scope and scale of our programmes keep improving to high standards. I am pleased to work with my colleagues with strong passion and commitment in education. I hope every colleague and people from all walks of life would continue to render staunch supports to the development of TWC. Let us march together towards the goal of becoming a private university.