年報 2017-18

08 與此同時,學院致力營辦針對社會需要的課程,培育 相關人才。為培訓年青人在具備商業管理思維的同 時,亦能以專業知識營運社會企業及非牟利機構以達 致社會目標,學院正積極籌辦一個與社、商企業管理 相關的嶄新課程,待香港學術及職業資歷評審局的評 審完畢後,預期可於 2019/2020 學年推出。 香港中學畢業生人數持續下跌,開展非本地收生有助 自資院校應對學生人數減少的挑戰。我們很高興國家 教育部於 2018 年 2 月批准學院於 2018/2019 學年開始招 收國內學生修讀指定課程,讓我們開拓新生源。學院 首年集中在廣東、廣西等鄰近地區招生,未來將擴展 至其他省市。 行政架構 為配合東華學院的五年策略發展計劃 ( 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7 - 2020/2021) ,學院於 2018 年 3 月成立「傳訊及公共關係 處」,負責提升學院形象和公共關係,並向各界籌募 學院的發展資金,以支持學院持續及全面發展的需 要。「傳訊及公共關係處」主要負責傳媒關係、宣傳 及推廣、籌募經費、出版學院刊物、建立校友關係及 支援國際伙伴合作關係六大範疇的工作。 校園發展 為配合學院的擴展需要,在積極向政府爭取永久校舍 的同時,我們亦物色租用空間以應付短期需要。學院 自 2017/2018 學年租用鄰近旺角及京士柏校舍的「賀賢 居」辦公室,作部分教學人員的辦公用途。學院更積 極籌備建立全新的葵興校舍,預期可於 2 0 1 9 年 9 月 啟用,新校舍位於毗鄰葵興港鐵站的商業中心,主要 供學院的護理學學生使用。 財政 作為一所自資院校,學院一直恪守審慎理財原則。在 積極尋求開源增收和受惠於投資收益之下,學院連續 第四年錄得盈餘,並創建校以來的新高,學院會藉此 支持在教學、研究、學生支援、校園設施等領域上 持續發展和提升的需要。 此外,適逢政府於 2017/2018 – 2018/2019 學年為自資院 校推行第七輪配對補助金計劃,學院積極向社會各界 籌募經費,期望能加上政府的配對補助金,進一步促 進學院持續發展。學院期望各界支持籌款活動, 協助我們培育更多優秀人才。 Meanwhile, TWC is developing a new management programme in social and business sustainability to fill the talent gap in the social organisation/enterprise sector. Students will be equipped with management knowledge and skills to serve both commercial entities and non-profit making organisations. The new programme is expected to be launched in 2019/2020, upon the completion of the accreditation processes done by Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. On the other hand, as the number of secondary school leavers in Hong Kong continue to drop, non-local student admission can be a way for self-financing institutions to overcome the challenge of the shrinking demand. We are pleased that in February 2018, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) approved TWC to admit Mainland students to designated programmes starting from the academic year 2018/2019. The new policy helps attract students of high calibre from Mainland and promote cultural diversity at the College. This year, we focused our recruitment e orts in the nearby Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, and we shall extend the promotion to other provinces in the coming years. Organisational Structure In accordance with the Strategic Plan 2016/2017 – 2020/2021 of the College, the Communications and Public Relations O ice (CPRO) was established in March 2018, with two major imperatives of enhancing the College profile and raising fund for the College’s developments. The o ice looks a er 6 inter-related areas, namely media relations, marketing and publicity, fundraising, publications, alumni relations and international collaborations. Campus Development TWC has been seeking the Government’s grant of a site or premises for the development of a permanent campus. As an interim solution to capacity limitation, the College is looking for rental space for campus expansion. Since 2017/2018, TWC has rented 2 storeys of o ice at the nearby Nelson Court for the use of some teaching sta . Besides, the College is establishing a new Kwai Hing Campus, which is conveniently located near Kwai Hing MTR Station and anticipated to commence operations in September 2019. The campus will primarily provide support for nursing students. Finance As a self-financing institution, TWC strictly follows the principles of prudent financial management. Benefited from the revenue raising measures and investment income, TWC recorded an operating surplus for the fourth consecutive year. The surplus will be used to support our developments in teaching, research, student support, campus improvement, etc. Riding on the launch of the Government’s Seventh Matching Grant Scheme for self-financing institutions in 2017/2018 – 2018/2019, TWC has been soliciting more donations from the community. We hope to maximise the overall funding with the matching grants to support the continuous development of the College. Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to call for your supports in our fundraising initiatives and join hands in nurturing our future generations.