年報 2017-18

校長報告 President’s Overview 07 Tung Wah College (TWC) has made significant progress and substantial accomplishments in 2017/2018. A er years of hard work, TWC has developed into a self-financing tertiary institution with a niche in healthcare education. We hope to scale new heights in the forthcoming future. Programme Development and Accreditation The mission of TWC is to provide high quality tertiary education to nurture caring and socially responsible professionals for the benefits of society. In 2017/2018, TWC launched the programme of Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Early Childhood Education, which made TWC become the first self-financing institution registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) to o er teacher training degree programme. Regarding the development of healthcare programmes, in June 2018, TWC was approved by the Chief Executive in Council to launch physiotherapy degree programme from academic year 2018/2019, following the o ering of medical laboratory science, radiation therapy and occupation therapy programmes in earlier years. The College is the first self-financing institution to o er physiotherapy programme to alleviate the manpower shortage of the healthcare profession. Immediately a er the launch, the College has also started seeking professional accreditation of the programme from the Physiotherapists Board of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council. We anticipate that the professional recognition will be granted before graduation of the first cohort of students, so that our graduates will be qualified for registration as physiotherapists. With our experiences in acquiring professional accreditation for healthcare programmes, we are confident to obtain professional accreditation for the physiotherapy programme. Last year, the Government announced that the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) would be regularised from 2018/2019 with increasing numbers of subsidised places to benefit more students. Under the new round of SSSDP, the subsidised places o ered by TWC will increase from 200 in 2015/2016 to 232 in 2017/2018, 320 in 2018/2019, and 510 in 2019/2020. This is an unequivocal testimony to the wide recognition of our healthcare programmes. 2017/2018 年是東華學院快速成長的一年,在多方面都取 得了豐碩的成果。經過多年來的努力,學院已發展成為一 所具醫療護理特色的自資高等院校,我們期望在各範疇再 創高峰。 課程發展及評審 東華學院的使命是向年青人提供優質的高等教育和多元化 的升學選擇,學院開辦的各類專業課程,目標是培養學生 成為具關愛心和對社會有承擔的專業人才,使他們畢業後 能運用所學,回饋社會。在課程發展方面,學院在 2017/2018 年開辦了幼兒教育 ( 榮譽 ) 學士課程,成為全港首 間根據《專上學院條例》(第 320 章)註冊,而提供全日 制幼兒教育學士學位的自資專上學院。 在醫療專業課程發展方面,繼早年開辦醫療化驗科學、放 射治療學、職業治療學課程後,學院於 2018 年 6 月獲得行 政長官會同行政會議的批准,於 2018/2019 學年開辦物理治 療學 ( 榮譽 ) 理學士課程,成為全港首間提供物理治療學課 程的自資專上院校,協助紓緩醫療專業人手短缺的問題。 學院亦隨即向輔助醫療業管理局的物理治療師管理委員會 提出申請專業認證,期望物理治療課程可於首屆學生畢業 前取得專業認證,符合相關註冊及執業的要求。學院過往 有為多項醫護課程成功申請專業認證的經驗和紀錄,我們 對物理治療課程未來獲取專業認證充滿信心。 另外,政府去年公佈自 2018/2019 學年起將「指定專業/界 別課程資助計劃」( SSSDP )恆常化,並陸續增加每屆資 助學額,讓更多學生受惠。東華學院獲資助學額由 2015/ 2016 學年計劃之始的 200 個,逐步增加至 2017/2018 學年的 232 個, 2018/2019 學年的 320 個,於 2019/2020 學年,資助學 額更將增至 510 個,足證學院的醫療護理課程廣獲社會認 可。