年報 2017-18

2017. 12 14 The 5 th Graduation Ceremony of TWC was held on 1 December 2017. Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Acting Chief Secretary for Administration of the Government was the guest-of-honour. 496 graduates in the disciplines of social science, business, medical and health sciences and nursing were conferred with Bachelor Degrees and Sub-Degrees. 東華學院第五屆畢業典禮於 2017 年 12 月 1 日舉行, 並邀請了署理政務司司長黃錦星先生, GBS , JP 擔 任主禮嘉賓。本屆共有 496 位畢業生,修畢社會科 學、商學、醫療及健康科學以及護理學課程,分別 獲頒發學士學位和副學位。 第五屆畢業典禮 The 5 th Graduation Ceremony 2018. 01 TWC launched “TWC Public Lecture” series and invites social leaders and influential minds to share their life experiences or views on issues of societal concerns with members of the public. The first seminar with the theme “A Fireside Chat with Professor Gabriel Leung” conducted by Prof. Gabriel Leung, GBS, JP, Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and member of TWC’s Board of Governors, was successfully held on 26 January 2018. 為進一步延伸教育工作,學院推出《東華學院公開 講座》系列,廣邀社會各界賢士,分享他們的專業 知識及寶貴經驗,讓社會大眾一同獲益。首次講座 於 2018 年 1 月 26 日舉行,題目為「與梁卓偉教授暢 談醫學、健康、音樂與人生」,由香港大學李嘉誠 醫學院院長及東華學院校董會委員梁卓偉教授, GBS , JP 主講,吸引了逾 320 名學院師生及公眾人士 參加。 首辦東華學院公開講座 - 與梁卓偉教授暢談醫學、健康、 音樂與人生 The First TWC Public Lecture - A Fireside Chat with Professor Gabriel Leung