年報 2017-18

The second TWC Public Lecture was held on 11 May 2018. With the theme “What is success: How can a secondary school student achieve success?”, Prof. Andrew Chan, SBS,JP, Director of EMBA Programme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, shared his views on success. The event attracted more than 200 participants, including secondary school students, teachers, parents and members of the public. 東華學院於 2018 年 5 月 11 日邀請了香港中文大學行 政人員工商管理碩士課程主任陳志輝教授 ,SBS,JP 主 講第二次《東華學院公開講座》,題目為「何謂成 功︰一個中學生如何達致成功?」,講座吸引 200 多名中學生、中學老師、家長、學院師生及公眾人 士參加。 東華學院公開講座 -何謂成功︰ 一個中學生如何達致成功? TWC Public Lecture - What is Success: How can a Secondary School Student Achieve Success? TWC held the Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony 2018 on 28 May 2018 to give out a total of $3.77 million scholarship to 194 students. 東華學院於 2018 年 5 月 28 日舉行「獎學金及獎項頒 獎典禮 2018 」,頒發 377 萬元獎學金予 194 位同學, 獎學金總金額創歷年新高。 獎學金及獎項頒獎典禮2018 Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony 2018 2018. 05 18