年報 2017-18

19 2018. 06 TWC was approved by the Chief Executive in Council to launch physiotherapy degree programme from 2018/2019 in June 2018, making us the first self-financing institution to o er such programme. The programme aims to nurture students to become caring and competent physiotherapists. Students will be equipped with the essential professional knowledge and skills to be eligible for registration as physiotherapists upon graduation. Besides lectures and practices in specialised laboratories, students will undergomore than 1,000 hours of clinical practicum in hospitals and community-based settings. 東華學院於 2018 年 6 月獲行政長官會同行政會議批 准於 2018/2019 學年開辦物理治療學(榮譽)理學士 課程,成為全港首間提供物理治療學課程的自資專 上院校。課程旨在培訓具關愛心、富溝通和領導能 力、對終身學習有承擔及能夠滿足社區醫療保健需 求的專業物理治療師。除課堂講解外,課程亦會透 過多個專門實驗室和齊備的臨床設置,以小組教學 形式教授物理治療核心學科。學院亦會安排合資格 的臨床導師,帶領學生到醫院和社區復康機構進行 超過 1,000 小時的臨床實習。 開辦物理治療課程 Launch of Physiotherapy Degree Programme 2018. 07 Over 80 alumni and teaching and administrative sta joined the first Alumni Homecoming Dinner on 25 July 2018. The alumni enjoyed good food and drinks, photo-taking, chattering and mingling with old friends. The Dinner ended with a guided tour to new campus facilities, including Physiotherapy Laboratories and Radiation Therapy Laboratory. 東華學院於 2018 年 7 月 25 日首辦校友晚宴,超過 80 名校友師長踴躍出席。校友除了享用豐富佳餚,更 與昔日師長、同窗暢談近況,同場亦設有即影即有 拍照服務。晚宴以校園導賞團作結,校友參觀了新 落成的物理治療實驗室、新裝修的放射治療實驗室 等全新設施。 首辦校友晚宴 The First Alumni Homecoming Dinner