年報 2017-18

24 相片來源:新鴻基地產網址 Source of photos: Website of Sun Hung Kai Properties 校園發展 Campus Development TWC has invested around HK$13 million in setting up 5 well equipped specialised laboratories for the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physiotherapy programme. 為開辦物理治療學(榮譽)理學士課程,東華學院 斥資近 1,300 萬元設立 5 個專門實驗室及添置齊全的 設備作教學用途。 新增物理治療實驗室 Specialised Laboratories for Physiotherapy Programme 籌備建立葵興校舍 Establishing Kwai Hing Campus TWC has been seeking the Government’s grant of a site or premises for the development of a permanent campus. Meanwhile, the College is looking for rental space as an interim solution for campus expansion. To cater to the development needs of our nursing programmes, TWC is establishing the new Kwai Hing Campus at the conveniently located Kowloon Commerce Centre (KCC) near Kwai Hing MTR Station. Scheduled to commence operation in September 2019, the new campus will primarily provide support for nursing students. 為配合擴展需要,學院正積極向政府爭取永久校 舍,同時亦物色租用空間以應付短期需要。為配合 護理學課程的發展需要,學院現正籌備建立全新的 葵興校舍,並預計於 2019 年 9 月啟用。新校舍將位 於毗鄰葵興港鐵站、交通便利的九龍貿易中心 16 樓,主要供學院的護理學學生使用。 ‧ 心血管及肺部康復實驗室 ‧ 電能治療及診斷實驗室 ‧ 運動科學及人體動力學實驗室 ‧ 肌肉骨骼及生物力學實驗室 ‧ 腦神經康復及科技實驗室 • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Rehabilitation Laboratory • Electrotherapeutics and Diagnostic Laboratory • Exercise Sciences and Kinesiology Laboratory • Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory • Neuro-rehabilitation and Technologies Laboratory