年報 2017-18

東華學院鼓勵學生舉辦和參與課外活動。學院提供 的學生活動基金,鼓勵學生組織以學生為本的活 動,並支持學生參加校外比賽。學生發展基金則資 助學生舉辦及參與海外交流、會議等學術活動,以 增廣見聞,豐富知識,及協助他們在專業領域上的 發展。 TWC encourages students to organise and participate in extra-curricular activities. The Student Activities Fund (SAF) o ered by the College encourages students to organise student-related activities and supports students’ participation in external competitions. The College also sponsors students to organise and participate in academic activities (e.g. study tour, exchange programme, conference) towiden their exposure, enrich their knowledge and facilitate their professional development through the Student Development Fund (SDF). 為豐富學生的學習體驗,學院在 2017/2018 學年資 助了 198 名學生參與 21 項交流活動,讓學生到訪澳 洲、加拿大、德國、日本、瑞典、英國、台灣、中 國內地等,參與文化交流或出席學術會議,擴闊視 野。 護理學學生於 2017 年 10 月 9 日至 13 日到澳洲紐卡素大 學參加學術交流團,在護理及助產士學院上模擬實 驗課。 Nursing students visited School of Nursing and Midwifery of the University of Newcastle and attended nursing simulation laboratory class on 9 – 13 October 2017. 主修基礎醫療科學的學生於 2018 年 2 月 2 日至 7 日到台 灣台中參加國立自然科學博物館主辦的三維掃描工 作坊,解剖擱淺江豚的屍體。 Basic Medical Science students attended a 3D surface scanning workshop hosted by the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung, Taiwan on 2 – 7 February 2018. To broaden their horizons, 198 students were arranged to join overseas exchange activities in 2017/2018. They visited Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Mainland China, etc., for study tours and academic conferences. 職業治療學學生於 2018 年 5 月 4 日至 21 日到瑞典延雪 平大學進行學術考察,參觀了多所職業治療服務中 心,體會當地職業治療的服務模式。 Occupational Therapy students joined a clinical study tour to the School of Health and Welfare of Jönköping University in Sweden on 4 – 21 May 2018. 25 交流活動 Exchange Programmes and Study Tours 學生發展 Student Development 學生發展基金及學生活動基金 Student Development Fund and Student Activities Fund