年報 2017-18

30 應用心理學學生於 2018 年暑假到立法會秘書處的公 共資訊部及議會事務部 3 進行了各三個星期的實 習。 Applied Psychology students participated in internship programme of Legislative Council Secretariat in summer 2018. They were assigned to the Public Information Division and the Council Business Division 3 to work for 3 weeks respectively 應用心理學學生於 2018 年暑假到東華三院黃祖棠護 理安老院進行實習。 Applied Psychology students participated in internship programme of TWGHs Wong Cho Tong Care & Attention Home in summer 2018. 東華學院特設「工作體驗學習計劃」,具有實習元 素,讓學生透過以工作為本的學習模式,汲取與學 科相關的工作經驗和通用技能,以提升他們求職就 業的競爭力。所有修讀學士學位課程的學生需完成 指定的臨床實習或實習安排,以符合畢業要求。 在 2017/2018 學年,修讀幼兒教育、醫療科學、醫 療化驗科學、職業治療學、放射治療科學、應用老 年學、護理學的學生需完成學院安排的臨床實習。 而修讀應用心理學、工商管理學士學位課程的學生 則需進行不少於 480 小時的學科相關實習。 2018 年 有同學獲分配到東華三院轄下服務單位工作,也有 獲安排到其他機構工作,當中包括立法會秘書處、 交通銀行等。 Tung Wah College’s unique Work Integrated Learning Programme (WILP) enables studentstogainwork-basedlearningexperiencerelevanttotheirfutureprofessionsand assists them in developing generic skills that will enhance their competitiveness in the employment market. All bachelor’s degree students are required to engage in clinical practicumor discipline-related internship as one of the graduation requirements. In 2017/2018, degree students studying Early Childhood Education, Medical Science, Medical Laboratory Science, Occupational Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Applied Gerontology and Nursing were required to complete clinical practicum o ered by the programmes, while degree students studying Applied Psychology and Business Administration were required to complete at least 480 hours of discipline related internship. In summer 2018, internships were arranged with TWGHs’ a iliated units and other industry partners, like Legislative Council Secretariat, Bank of Communications, etc. 課程實習 Internship and Practicum