年報 2017-18

社會責任 Social Responsibility 34 TWC received ”Caring Organisation Logo” under the ”Caring Company Scheme 2017/2018” organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) in recognition of the College’s commitment to Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees and Caring for the Environment over the past years. This is the sixth consecutive year since 2012 that the College has been honoured with the award for having demonstrated good corporate social responsibility. 學院在香港社會服務聯會舉辦的「商界展關懷 2017/2018 」計劃中再獲嘉許,以表揚學院過去一直 履行社會責任,在關愛社群、關心員工和愛護環境 上不遺餘力。這是學院自 2012 年以來連續第六年因 實踐良好企業社會責任而獲頒「同心展關懷」標 誌。 連續六年獲頒「同心展關懷」標誌 Caring Organisation Logo for Six Consecutive Years In support of the "Say Yes to Breastfeeding" Community Support Campaign jointly promoted by the Department of Health and Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK), TWC has registered as one of the organisations to provide breastfeeding colleagues an appropriate and friendly environment in the workplace for sustaining breastfeeding. 為響應衞生署及聯合國兒童基金香港委員會 ( UNICEF HK )聯合推動的「母乳育嬰齊和應」運 動,學院承諾實施「母乳餵哺友善工作間」,為正 在餵哺母乳的教職員提供一個合適、友善的環境, 令母乳餵哺與工作互相兼容。 母乳餵哺友善工作間 Breastfeeding-friendly Workplace TWC was awarded the Platinum Award under the Charter on External Lighting launched by the Environment Bureau. The award recognises the College’s commitment in switching o external lighting installations from 11pm to 7am to minimise energy wastage and light nuisance. 東華學院在環境局推出的《戶外燈光約章》中獲頒 「鉑金獎」,表揚學院遵守承諾在晚上 11 時至早上 7 時關掉戶外燈光裝置,以減少能源浪費及光滋 擾。 獲頒《戶外燈光約章》「鉑金獎」 Charter on External Lighting - Platinum Award The “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” (the Scheme) launched by Employees Retraining Board (ERB) recognises organisations that demonstrate outstanding achievements in manpower training and development. Implementing well-established mechanism and policy in sta development, TWC is acknowledged as a Manpower Developer for two years from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2020. 僱員再培訓局「 ERB 人才企業嘉許計劃」旨在表揚 在「人才培訓及發展」方面有卓越表現的機構。東 華學院致力支持員工持續進修以提升專業知識及配 合工作發展,實施了完善的員工培訓發展機制及政 策,因而榮獲「人才企業」殊榮,嘉許期為 2018 年 4 月 1 日至 2020 年 3 月 31 日。 獲頒「人才企業」獎項 “Manpower Developer” Award