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What is Academic Integrity and Plagiarism?
What is Academic Integrity?
The concept of Academic integrity means producing all of your academic work in an honest and trustworthy way. It includes, but not limited to, acknowledging sources of borrowed ideas, presenting accurate data and information, avoiding plagiarism.
It is a code of practice generally adopted and accepted by students, faculty and staff in higher education institutions. As members of the academic community, students and staff have a shared obligation to uphold and maintain high standards of academic integrity in their assignments or research.
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is commonly known as using someone else’s ideas or words in your assignment and present them as your own, without giving proper acknowledgment to the original source.
Plagiarism is serious academic misconduct. Any form of plagiarism can result in disciplinary consequences subject to relevant student conduct regulations set out by respective programmes and schools.
By acting ethically and citing any sources you have consulted, you give credit and show proper respect to the original work of others.
Referencing and citations
Library Learning Video - What is plagiarism?
Library Learning Video - How to avoid plagiarism?
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Install Mendeley Cite to Microsoft Word
  1. Access the Office Add-ins Store
    • For Microsoft Office 365 / Microsoft Office 2021 or later version
    • a) In the Microsoft search box, enter [Insert an add-in], and then select the [Insert an Add-in] from the drop-down menu.
    • b) Click the [Office Store] button.
    • For Microsoft Office 2019
    • a) Go to [Insert] tab, and click the [Get Add-ins] button.

  1. In the Office Add-ins, enter [Mendeley Cite] to submit the search.

  1. Find the Mendeley Cite Add-in, and click the [Add] button.

  1. Click the [Continue] button to install Mendeley Cite.

  1. Go to the [Reference] tab, and click on the [Mendeley Cite] icon.

  1. Click the [Get started] button to login to Mendeley.

  1. Login your Mendeley account.