Gale Books and Authors Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It covers tens of thousands of book titles and authors including award winners and the librarian's favourite lists.
Gale eBooks
Gale eBooks platform provides a wide selection of mulidiscipinary e-books.
Gale in Context: Biography Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is a biographical database on several hundred thousand people in a broad range of subject areas. It provides a wealth of information on science, multicultural studies, business, politics, government, history, entertainment, sports, arts and literature.
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It offers reference content in the area of the environment, energy and natural resources. The database combines news, unique commentary, audio, video, primary source documents, and case studies into a web-like experience.
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It covers today's hottest social issues and provides access to viewpoints, topic overviews, statistics, primary source documents, links to websites as well as full-text articles of magazines and newspapers.
Gale in Context: Science Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is a curriculum-oriented science database that provides resourceful information on major science topics.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine integrates millions of articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources with full-text reference works and hundreds of health-related multimedia.
Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments
The Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments is developed by the Official Languages Division of the Civil Service Bureau.
With some 115 000 terms in 23 categories, each covering a specific subject, the glossary serves as a general reference to facilitate translation and drafting. |
Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments (政府部門常用辭彙)
The Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments is developed by the Official Languages Division of the Civil Service Bureau. With some 115 000 terms in 23 categories, each covering a specific subject, the glossary serves as a general reference to facilitate translation and drafting.
Grant's Dissection Videos ![]() ![]() Organized by body region and on-screen labeling and text. The videos show students what they are expected to achieve in lab, the steps required for each dissection, and the information they need to learn for practical exams. |
GreenFILE ![]() GreenFILE is a research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.