Academic Search Ultimate ![]() Note: Please access via EBSCOhost and choose appropriate databases within the platform.
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AccessScience Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
The AccessScience features the McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology and weekly articles on the latest breaking news. It covers all areas of science and technology plus full-text features of biographies, news, learning resources, study guides and many other related sites.
Active Reading ![]() Active Reading helps learners develop the whole range of reading skills: prediction, vocab strategies, inference, skimming, topic sentences and more. Learners work on a wide variety of text types, based around lively, stimulating topics. They can listen to the texts (in a variety of accents), and each unit finishes with a freer skills-based activity.
Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR) Note: APR is accessible via AccessPhysiotherapy.
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed (APR) is an interactive, customizable dissection tool to enhance lecture and lab.
APR contains all the systems covered in Anatomy & Physiology and Human Anatomy courses, including Body Orientation, Cells and Chemistry, and Tissues. |
Anatomy.Tv ![]() ![]() |
Apabi e-book (方正中文電子書)
Apabi e-Book is an online platform providing access to Chinese e-Books published in Mainland China.
ARTstor ![]() Artstor provides more than one million images contributed from outstanding museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates from all over the world.
Asia Art Archive
Asia Art Archive (AAA)’s Research Collections comprises material gathered from focused research projects undertaken by AAA in partnership with artists, art professionals, and researchers. It is a growing repository of primary source material, photographic documentation, video recordings, ephemera, and more. Since 2010, AAA has been digitising these valuable resources and making them accessible for users worldwide.
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
A wide range of studies, statistical reports, working papers, books, briefs, and awareness-raising materials published by the ADB are available for digital download from the ADB Publications pages.
Asian Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics
The Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics (AJGG) is the official joint publication of the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology. The AJGG publishes peer-reviewed English and Chinese articles representing the full range of medical, social, and rehabilitation sciences related to older people.
Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination
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BioMedCentral (BMC) has an evolving portfolio of high quality peer-reviewed journals including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine, specialist journals such as Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC Series.
Books@Ovid Purchased eBooks ![]() Ovid eBook Collection consists of over 400 ebooks, providing coverage of subject areas ascross Clinical Medicine, Health Professions, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Medical Humanities, Nursing, Pharmacology and Public Health Science.
Britannica Academic ![]() Britannica Academic delivers authoritative, balanced, and trustworthy information in all knowledge areas.
British Nursing Database (ProQuest)
![]() This full text database provides abstracting and indexing for hundreds of titles, with coverage dating back to 1993. |
Business Book Summaries Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
Business Book Summaries provides concise summaries for top business books covering topics on business strategy, leadership management, communication, social responsibility and marketing.
Business Source Ultimate
This database provides full-text coverage of top business, management and economics journals and periodicals. These valuable publications cover topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more.
Cambridge Core ![]() Cambridge Core is the new academic online platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content, consisting of journals, books and a number of additional online products and collections.
Cambridge Dictionary Online
Cambridge Dictionary Online is a popular dictionary site for learners of English in the world.
China Academic Journals Full-text Database (中國期刊全文數據庫) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It offers access to thousands of full-text journals published in the Mainland dating back to 1994.
China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database (中國博士學位論文全文數據庫) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It offers access to full-text doctoral dissertations from hundreds of academic institutions in the Mainland dating back to 1984.
China Masters' Theses Full-text Database (中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It offers access to full-text masters' theses from hundreds of academic institutions in the Mainland dating back to 1984.
Chinamaxx (超星數字圖書館) ![]() Note: Compatible with PC or tablets (mobile devices not supported)
Chinamaxx houses the world’s largest and most complete database on Chinese publications. It has a collection of 700,000 titles of Chinese literature. The chunk proportion of the holdings are books published since 1949 and a few are from earlier years. Classified using the CLC (Chinese Library Classification) system, it includes 22 main classes covering all academic disciplines. This rich and scholarly content lays emphasis on Social Sciences and Humanities to attend interests on China study, enhance research project and facilitate paper writing.
Chinese Character Database: With Word-formations Phonologically Disambiguated According to the Cantonese Dialect (粵語審音配詞字庫)
The main objective of the database is to provide a useful online tool to assist the teaching and learning of the Chinese characters.
This Chinese character database covers a total of 13060 character entries, comprising the entire set of Big-5 chinese characters (5401 Level 1 and 7652 Level 2 Hanzi) as well as 7 additional ETen Hanzi. |
Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database (中藥材圖像數據庫)
The Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database documents over 420 crude drugs commonly used in Chinese Medicine practice.
The database provides drug information, including source, originas, description, quality, taste and clinical indications. |
Chinese Medicine Specimen Database (中藥標本資料庫)
Through the joint collaboration by the School of Chinese Medicine and University Library, Chinese Medicine Specimen Database is established to help promoting people's awareness of the variety, authenticity, and effective use of Chinese Medicines.
Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage (林語堂當代漢英詞典)
The dictionary comprises a total of 8,169 head characters, together with 44,407 explanatory entries of grammatical usage and 40,379 entries of Chinese words or phrases.
CINAHL Ultimate ![]() CINAHL Ultimate contains a substantial portion of the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index.
With CINAHL Ultimate, users can access a comprehensive scope of content covering over 50 nursing specialties as well as allied health subjects including speech and language pathology, nutrition, physical therapy and much more. |
Clear Pronunciation: Sound ![]() Clear Pronunciation teaches you the 43 sounds of English: you will learn the full range of sounds by themselves, in words, sentences, and in larger texts.
Using these online materials, you will learn through sound clips, video clips, and a range of activities that make sure you cover all the skills you need. Listen, learn, practise, and compare. With the Clarity Recorder, you can practise sounds, words, or sentences and compare your pronunciation with native speaker examples |
Clear Pronunciation: Speech ![]() In Clear Pronunciation 2 you’ll learn to use consonant clusters, word stress, sentence stress, connected speech and intonation.
You’ll watch tutorials from teachers, listen to plenty of native-speaker examples, work through lots of different speaking exercises, and you can even compare your pronunciation to the examples, using the Clarity Recorder. |
Clinical Calculator 1
Estimates the population prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and likelihood ratios from an observed sample.
Clinical Calculator 2
Calculates the predictive values of a test and its positive and negative likelihood ratios.
Clinicalkey for Nursing ![]() ClinicalKey for Nursing provides evidence-based information related to Nursing and Allied Health. Its content includes drug monographs, clinical topic summaries, videos, images, full-text books and journals.
| is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world.
Cochrane Library ![]() ![]() |
Complete Anatomy ![]() Complete Anatomy is an advanced 3D anatomy platform, with over 17,000 interactive structures and over 1,500 clinical videos. *For activation, please contact us at the Library counter.
Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is an online collection of classics of Chinese literature and culture, from ancient China through the Qing Dynasty.
COPM Learning Module Note: For Occupational Therapy Students and Staff only. Please contact Library staff for login details.
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) is the most well used outcome measure in occupational therapy in the world. The COPM is a client-centred outcome measure for individuals to identify and prioritize everyday issues that restrict their participation in everyday living.
This measure focuses on occupational performance in all areas of life, including self-care, leisure and productivity. |
Coronavirus Research Database
The Coronavirus Research Database brings together trusted content from journals, preprints, conference proceedings, dissertations and more related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses.
Diagnostic Test Calculator
This calculator can determine diagnostic test characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios) and/or determine the post-test probability of disease given given the pre-test probability and test characteristics. Given sample sizes, confidence intervals are also computed.
Digital Commons Network™
The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, the Network includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.
Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers.
Directory of Open Access Journals
The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 with 300 open access journals. Today, this independent database contains over 15 000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities.
Drug Information Portal (National Library of Medicine)
The NLM Drug Information Portal is a free resource that searches U.S. government agencies, including the National Library of Medicine, FDA and CDC. Includes current information regarding consumer health, clinical trials, AIDS–related drug information, MeSH® pharmacological actions, PubMed® biomedical literature, and physical properties and structure.
Dynamic Health ![]() Note: Please access via EBSCOhost and choose appropriate databases within the platform.
Dynamic Health provides nurses and allied health professionals with a comprehensive collection of current, actionable and evidence-based skills and corresponding skills, competency checklist to master critical clinical skills.
Early Journal Content
JSTOR’s Early Journal Content (EJC) makes articles from hundreds of journals freely available to the public on the JSTOR platform. This includes journal content published prior to the last 95 years in the United States, or prior to the last 143 years if initially published internationally.
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists. It is one of the few English psychiatric journals in Asia. The journal publishes psychiatric reports from Hong Kong, China, Asian countries and other parts of the world.
EBM Statistics Calculators
Calculate the parameters of diagnostic test, prospective study, case-control study, and randomized control trial for evidence-based medicine.
Ebook Central ![]() It is a ProQuest ebook platform with eBooks covering all academic disciplines.
eBooks on EBSCOhost ![]() EBSCO eBooks Academic Collection includes more than 205,000 e-books covering a large selection of academic subjects and features e-books from leading publishers and university presses.
Electronic Theses Online Service
Search over 500,000 doctoral theses. Download instantly for your research, or order a scanned copy quickly and easily. |
eLibrary Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
eLibrary is a collection of periodicals and digital media contents designed to support a wide range of users, including secondary and university students as well as professional educators.
Endoscopy Video from American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) - Preparing for a Capsule Endoscopy
In this video from the AGA, Dr. Cynthia Yoshida explains what you can expect before, during and after capsule endoscopy.
Endoscopy Video from American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) - Preparing for a Colonoscopy
In this video from the AGA, Dr. Joanne A. P. Wilson explains what you can expect before, during and after this procedure.
Endoscopy Video from American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) - Preparing for an Upper GI Endoscopy
In this video from the AGA, Dr. Linda Lee explains what you can expect before, during and after an upper GI endoscopy.
Endoscopy Video from Boston University - What Nasal Endoscopy Can Tell Us About Voice Health
Elizabeth Heller Murrary, M.S., CFY-SLP, doctoral student in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Sargent College performs a nasal endoscopy on Assistant Professor Cara Stepp. They physiology and the vocal mechanism is reviewed.
Endoscopy Video from CBS - Who Needs an Upper Endoscopy
Dr. Jon LaPook undergoes an upper endoscopy to evaluate the possibly damaging effects of his occasional heartburn. Dr. Mark Pochapin performs the procedure.
Endoscopy Video from Mayo Clinic - Learn About Endoscopy
A medical video animation descirbes the endoscopy procedure.
Endoscopy Video from Nucleus Medical Media - Colonoscopy Save Lives
This 3D medical animation shows the placement of an endoscope in the large colon (bowel) during a colonoscopy procedure.
Endoscopy Video from Nucleus Medical Media - Upper GI Endoscopy
This video shows an upper GI (gastrointestinal) endoscopy procedure to diagnose helicobacter pylori, a bacterium (bacteria) that causes a stomach (gastric) ulcer. The animation also includes the treatment of a bleeding ulcer using endoscopic tools.
Endoscopy Video from St Mark's Hospital Foundation - Colonoscopy: Recovery
Endoscopy Video from St Mark's Hospital Foundation - Colonoscopy: The Procedure
Endoscopy Video from St Mark's Hospital Foundation - Gastroscopy: What happens after the procedure
Endoscopy Video from St Mark's Hospital Foundation - Gastroscopy: What happens during the procedure
Endoscopy Video from St Mark's Hospital Foundation - Gastroscopy: What is a gastroscopy procedure
Endoscopy Video from Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy
"Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy" (VJGIEN) from Elsevier provides medical professionals and students with video demonstrations of endoscopic findings, procedural footage, case studies etc.
Endoscopy Videos from VideoGIE
VideoGIE, an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, is an Open Access, online-only journal to serve patients with digestive diseases.
VideoGIE publishes original, single-blinded peer-reviewed video case reports and case series of endoscopic procedures used in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive diseases. |
Endoscopy Videos from World Gastroenterology Institute
A collection of educational videos about Endoscopy and Gastroenterology, produced by World Gastroenterology Institute (WGI).
ERIC is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, searchable, Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information.
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Free Books 4 Doctors
FreeBooks4Doctors was created to promote the free availability of medical books on the Internet.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia indexes over 25,000 records, covering a variety of subject areas.
Gale Books and Authors Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It covers tens of thousands of book titles and authors including award winners and the librarian's favourite lists.
Gale eBooks
Gale eBooks platform provides a wide selection of mulidiscipinary e-books.
Gale in Context: Biography Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is a biographical database on several hundred thousand people in a broad range of subject areas. It provides a wealth of information on science, multicultural studies, business, politics, government, history, entertainment, sports, arts and literature.
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It offers reference content in the area of the environment, energy and natural resources. The database combines news, unique commentary, audio, video, primary source documents, and case studies into a web-like experience.
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It covers today's hottest social issues and provides access to viewpoints, topic overviews, statistics, primary source documents, links to websites as well as full-text articles of magazines and newspapers.
Gale in Context: Science Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is a curriculum-oriented science database that provides resourceful information on major science topics.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine integrates millions of articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources with full-text reference works and hundreds of health-related multimedia.
Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments
The Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments is developed by the Official Languages Division of the Civil Service Bureau.
With some 115 000 terms in 23 categories, each covering a specific subject, the glossary serves as a general reference to facilitate translation and drafting. |
Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments (政府部門常用辭彙)
The Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Government Departments is developed by the Official Languages Division of the Civil Service Bureau. With some 115 000 terms in 23 categories, each covering a specific subject, the glossary serves as a general reference to facilitate translation and drafting.
Grant's Dissection Videos ![]() ![]() Organized by body region and on-screen labeling and text. The videos show students what they are expected to achieve in lab, the steps required for each dissection, and the information they need to learn for practical exams. |
GreenFILE ![]() GreenFILE is a research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Healthcare Administration Database (ProQuest)
This database is a collection of reliable and relevant resources in the field of health administration, including journals and dissertations.
HKInChiP (香港中文期刊論文索引)
Provides index to 300 Chinese and bilingual periodical titles published in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Education Bibliographic Database
The Hong Kong Education Bibliographic Database is an annotated online database for researchers to quickly identify all research literature related to education in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Education Image Database
The Hong Kong Education Image Database is jointly developed by the Hong Kong Museum of Education (HKME) and The Education University of Hong Kong Library (EdUHK Library).
Items included in this Database originate from the collections of The Education University of Hong Kong, the former Teacher Training Colleges (The Northcote College of Education, Rural Training College, Grantham College of Education, Sir Robert Black College of Education, Hong Kong Technical Teachers' College and Institute of Language in Education) as well as from donations and private sources. |
Hong Kong Literature Database (香港文學資料庫)
Hong Kong Literature Database is the first database on Hong Kong literature. As at June 2020, the database consists of nearly 588,000 records, including more that 200 Hong Kong journals and literary supplement of 20 Hong Kong early newspapers.
The database aims to support the teaching and research of Hong Kong literature and promoting its development. |
Hong Kong Medical Journal (HKMJ)
Hong Kong Medical Journal (HKMJ) is a bimonthly joint publication of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) and the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA). HKMJ is published by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press.
The HKMJ publishes original research papers, review articles, medical practice papers, case reports, editorials, commentaries, and letters to the Editor. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to clinical practice and research in all branches of medicine. |
Hong Kong Public Libraries E-books (香港公共圖書館電子書) Note: For Card holders of the Hong Kong Public Libraries Only
Hong Kong TV and Film Publication Database (中港電視。電影刊物資料庫)
The "Hong Kong TV and Film Publication Database" mainly collects TV and film publications published in Hong Kong during the British colonial period, including:
TVB Weekly (1967-1997) - 1,542 issues TV brochures, Special issues, Complimentary issues (1977-1997) - 75 publications Movie pamphlets (1946-1979) - 219 publications |
Hub of Occupational Therapy Theory (HOTheory)
HOTheory is a database that contains theories, models, frames of reference, and frameworks that are developed specifically by occupational therapists or for use in occupational therapy. This database is designed to help occupational therapy practitioners and students to find theoretical knowledge to inform their practice and learning.
HyRead eBook (HyRead中文電子書) ![]() HyRead is a Chinese multidisciplinary eBook platform.
ICE Video Library ![]() A collection of short patient videos avaiable for in-class or online teaching, designed specifically for physical therapy and occupational therapy faculty,
iG Library
iG Library is an eBook platform developed by iG Publishing.
INFOBANK (中國資訊行) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
INFOBANK is a database with organized collections consisting of business and economic information published in China.
International Council of Nurses (ICN)
Guidelines, reports, nursing regulations and professional nursing practice published by the ICN are available for digital download from the ICN Publications pages.
iRead eBooks (華藝電子書) ![]() iRead is an eBooks platform providing access to Traditional-Chinese e-books.
Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database ![]() ![]() |
Journal of Public Health
Journal of Public Health is an international journal for public health research and practice.
Journals@Ovid LWW Nursing & Health Professions Premier Collection ![]() This collection provides over 80 of top nursing and health professions journals from Lippincott.
JoVE Analytical Chemistry
This collection takes a broad look at quantitative analysis and instrumentation including electrochemistry, spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry.
JoVE Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology
This collection demonstrates how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology.
JoVE Biochemistry
This collection presents commonly used purification methods, such as affinity chromatography, as well as analytical methods, like MALDI-TOF. In addition, the videos showcase methods for accessing biomolecule interaction and function, such as co-immunoprecipitation and metabolic labeling.
JoVE Biology I: yeast, Drosophila and C. elegans
This unique collection features three model organisms commonly used in life sciences research; also covering methodology to maintain them in the laboratory.
JoVE Biology II: Mouse, Zebrafish, and Chick
This collection features three vertebrate species commonly used in life sciences research; also covering methodology on how they are maintained in the laboratory.
JoVE General Chemistry
This collection helps provide a solid foundation in general chemistry by showcasing basic lab techniques, demonstrating commonly used equipment, and exploring the theory behind fundamental methodology in chemistry.
JoVE General Lab Techniques
This collection exhibits how to use standard pieces of laboratory equipment essential in many experiements.
JoVE Inorganic Chemistry
This collection covers a range of inorganic chemistry protocols and concepts including air-free techniques, syntheses of transition metal based compounds, core inorganic chemistry concepts like Lewis Acid and Bases, and advanced analysis techniques including EPR spectroscopy.
JoVE Lab Animal Research
This collection is a comprehensive video guide for appropriate lab animal care and use. Since a majority of biomedical research is focused on studies involving rodents, it is critical that every scientist learns the essential procedures demonstrated in these videos.
JoVE LabSafety
This collection provides safety guidelines to be followed when working with hazardous materials and equipment. It covers universal topics such as PPE, electrical safety, and general emergency guidelines, as well as some specific safety procedures for chemistry and biology laboratories.
JoVE Organic Chemistry
This collection features techniques routinely used in the organic chemistry lab, focusing on regulating temperature and atmosphere during chemical reactions and post-reaction refinement.
JoVE Organic Chemistry II
This collection covers the theory and reactions necessary to carry out syntheses on a more advanced level. In addition, a few videos introduce methods commonly used to analyze the reaction products such as infrared spectroscopy and polarimetry.
JSTOR Early Journal Content
JSTOR’s Early Journal Content (EJC) makes articles from hundreds of journals freely available to the public on the JSTOR platform. This includes journal content published prior to the last 95 years in the United States, or prior to the last 143 years if initially published internationally.
JSTOR Register & Read
A registered individual account enables researchers to access and read participating publisher articles online for free.
Kiss Holiday Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
"Kiss Holiday" is an interactive multimedia Chinese database which aims to introduce to children the history and underlying meaning of 13 major festivals in a lively manner through animated stories, games and handicrafts, thus enabling them to understand festive customs from around the world.
Library & Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
LISTA is a research database for library and information science studies. It provides indexing and abstracting for hundreds of key journals, books, research reports.
It provides access to OER resources and a platform for faculty to curate and compile resources. LibreTexts is based at University of California, Davis.
Lippincott Procedures ![]() ![]() |
MAS Ultra - School Edition
MAS Ultra- School Edition provides full text for top high-school magazines.
It also includes full-text biographies, primary source documents, reference books, an image collection of more than 1.9 million photos, maps, flags and color PDFs, plus expanded full-text backfiles for key magazines. |
MDCalc is a site designed for medical professionals to do calculations, process algorithms and scores, and assess risk by using latest and best evidence.
Medical Dictionary Online
This medical dictionary displays information that may be available from any of the more than 40,000 publicly available dictionaries, encyclopedias, research articles and books.
Medical Encyclopedia: Medline Plus
The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia includes over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It also contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations.
Medicinal Plant Images Database
The Database was established by the collaborative effort between the School od Chinese Medicine and the University Library with the aim of promoting popularization and resource sharing in Chinese medicine. More than one thousand medicinal plants were systematicall consolidated and summarized in the form of plant images and detailed descriptions in a bilingual environment.
Medline Ultimate ![]() MEDLINE Ultimate is a full-text database of biomedical and health journals, with access to thousands of top medical journals with cover-to-cover indexing.
Merriam-Webster Online
The Dictionary is a unique, regularly updated, online-only reference.
Military & Government Collection
Military & Government Collection is a database of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. It is designed to offer current news to military members, analysts, policy makers, students and researchers.
MIMS (Find Drug)
Database to search for drugs information.
National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan (臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統)
This is a system that has consistently collected theses and dissertations of colleges and universities in Taiwan from 1956 to the present, covering the disciplines of the sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine, the humanities and social sciences and continues to promote the concept of free access to unauthorized materials.
Naxos Music Library (拿索斯線上音樂圖書館) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is a highly resourceful online music database which includes the complete Naxos, Marco Polo and Dacapo catalogues.
Naxos Music Library Jazz (拿索斯線上爵士音樂圖書館) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is one of the most comprehensive online libraries on jazz music around the globe, which offers a large selection of classic and contemporary jazz music albums released by the world’s famous jazz labels as well as the works by jazz artists and composers through different ages.
Naxos Video Library (拿索斯線上影音圖書館) Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is the world's leading video library on performing arts, which offers an extensive streaming of full-length videos from the world's greatest opera houses, ballet companies, orchestras and prestigious artists.
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
Newtonkids Digital Museum Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It is an online collection of video materials from Taiwan for students and people who are interested to learn more about our Earth from various aspects, including animals, plants, ecology protection, weather and climate, natural landscapes, and earth science, etc.
Nursing Reference Center Plus
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OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication.
OMICS International
OMICS International is an Open Access publisher. It owns and operates 700+ peer-reviewed clinical, medical, life sciences, engineering, and managment journals.
OmniFile Full Text Mega Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
OmniFile Full Text, Mega Edition provides a wide range of research resources. It contains full text of articles from over 3,100 publications dating back to 1994. It also contains abstracts and indexing from nearly 5,100 publications as far back as 1982. The subjects covered include applied sciences, art, education, humanities, law, social sciences, technology, etc.
Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS)
ODLIS is designed as a hypertext reference resource for library and information science professionals, university students and faculty, and users of all types of libraries.
Open Access Library (OALib)
OALib is currently hosting links and metadata to more than 5,691,949 open access articles covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 5,877,305 theses and dissertations.
Open Book Publishers
It is an open access academic book publisher based in the United Kingdom. It promotes open access for full academic monographs, critical editions and textbooks in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Science. All OBP books are peer-reviewed.
Open Textbook Library
The Open Textbook Library is a comprehensive referatory that points to open textbooks by a variety of authors and publishers.
It is a nonprofit organization based out of Rice University and is one of the leading providers of OER textbooks. OpenStax textbooks are available as free downloads in PDF, Web, and EPUB formats. The textbooks are peer-reviewed, and openly licensed.
Organic Chemistry II
This collection covers the theory and reactions necessary to carry out syntheses on a more advanced level. In addition, a few videos introduce methods commonly used to analyze the reaction products such as infrared spectroscopy and polarimetry.
A search engine for activity ideas using simple items you can find in every household, out of the need to support parents find daily activities they can do to help develop and promote their children's developmental skills.
OTseeker is a database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions.
Oxford Academic
Oxford Academic, Oxford University Press (OUP)'s platform for research, offers a single point of entry for access to scholarly and academic books and journals.
It is a free database of over 51,000 trials, reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions.
Practical Writing ![]() Practical Writing is for students who need to use written English both in their studies and in their personal life.
Primary Search
Designed for elementary school libraries, Primary Search is a full-text database providing popular children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries and a vast image collection.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks.
ProQuest ABI/INFORM Collection Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
This collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, and key business and economic periodicals.
ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
This collection provides access to scholarly journals and other key resources on latest accouting, tax, banking and business trends.
ProQuest Asian & European Business Collection Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
This collection provides information pertrient to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers and magazines.
ProQuest Business Market Research Collection Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
This collection provides a broad range of specialized company, industry, and country information from various sources including Hoover's Comapny Profiles, Oxford Economics, Barnes Reports, and Charting Economy.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of universities. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
ProQuest Entrepreneurship Database Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
This collection provides access to key tools and resources scuh as journals, industry reports, video clips and business samples to help students navigate the complex world of small business.
ProQuest Psychology Database
ProQuest Psychology Database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experiemental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
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PsycBook's collection provides full-text access to American Psychological Association's latest peer-reviewed books, as well as classic and historical works dating back to the 1600s.
PsycCRITIQUES contains 43,056 full-text reviews of books in psychology and the social sciences, as well as professional videos and popular films from a psychological perspective.
| produces and publishes training videos in the fields of psychotherapy, counselling and addiction treatment.
PsycINFO is an abstract database that contains citations and summaries of the psychological literature, such as journal articles and technical reports, etc. from the 1800s to the present.
PsycTests is a database of psychological tests and measures designed for use with social and behavioural science research.
Publicly Available Content Database
Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals.
PubMed ![]() PubMed® comprises more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
PubMed Central ![]() ![]() |
Regional Business News
Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces.
Rehabilitation Reference Center ![]() Note: Please access via EBSCOhost and choose appropriate databases within the platform.
Rehabilitation Reference Center is an evidence-based, point-of-care information resource for physical therapists, occupational therapists and sports medicine professionals.
Road to IELTS
Road to IELTS is the British Council’s comprehensive, 100% online IELTS preparation program. It includes over 300 interactive activities, 13 advice videos and 40 practice tests.
S.L. Wong's A Chinese Syllabary Pronounced according to the Dialect of Canton (粵音韻彙)
Web site from the Institute of Humanities, Chinese University of Hong Kong that presents audio files (.wav) depicting pronunciations of Chinese characters in the Cantonese dialect. Users can enter Chinese character for Cantonese pronunciation or vice versa.
SAGE International Journals ![]() ![]() |
Scholastic GO! Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
Scholastic GO! is an English e-database of encyclopedias. It covers a wide range of subjects including arts, social sciences, geography, history, philosophy, religion, sports and entertainment, science and technology, etc.
ScienceDirect College Edition - Health & Life Sciences Collection ![]() ![]() |
Social Scientist Research Network
Social Scientist Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.
SocINDEX with Full Text
SocINDEX with Full Text is a sociology research database. It provides full-text, peer-reviewed sociology journals covering many studies including gender studies, criminal justics, social psychology, racial studies, religion and social work.
South China Morning Post (SCMP)
The South China Morning Post is a leading news media company that has reported on China and Asia for more than a century with global impact.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text Note: Access via Hong Kong Public Libraries
It covers the subjects of biomechanics, pharmacology, sports training, kinesiology, sports science, nutrition, occupational health and therapy, physical fitness, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, sports psychology, coaching and education and sports medicine.
SpringerOpen, launched in June 2010, includes Springer’s portfolio of 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science.
The 3 StrokeHelp Video Courses are designed as an independent learning modules and illustrate a variety of assessment & intervention strategies.
Study Skills Success ![]() Study Skills Success aims to equips students with more effective and efficent study strategies in learning English.
SuperbookCity (超閱網)
SuperbookCity is en eBook platform providing multi-disciplinary digitized books.
Taylor and Francis EBooks ![]() Taylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science.
Teacher Reference Center
Teacher Reference Center (TRC) is a complimentary research database for teachers, providing indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
Tense Buster ![]() Tense Buster is a grammar program at five levels from Elementary through to Advanced. Each level includes a number of key grammar areas which are tackled in a systematic manner from presentation to practice to test.
Trip Database
The Trip search system has a collection of high quality of secondary evidence ranging from systematic reviews and clinical guidelines to evidence-based synopses and clinical Q&As.
VitalSource ![]() Note: *Please create your own account with email to view the eBooks
![]() |
Web Gallery of Art
The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts from the 3rd to 19th centuries.
Wiley Online Library ![]() Wiley Online Library is an extenstive collection of online multidispciplinary journals, books, and reserach resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences.
WisersOne ![]() A news information database provides access to newspapers, magazine, journals and newswires published in China; Hong Kong; Macau; Taiwan and selected Asia Pacific Regions.
World Bank eLibrary
The World Bank eLibrary is dedicated to offering researchers quick and easy access to the complete collection of World Bank formal publications and journals since the 1990s, as well as reports, working papers, and top data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators.
World Scientific
World Scientific is an eBook platform developed by World Scientific Publishing Group.