Tung Wah College » The 5th Anniversary

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Message from the President 校長的話

Professor Yu-hon Lui

Professor Yu-hon Lui

This year which marks the 5th anniversary of Tung Wah College (TWC) and the 145th anniversary of its founder Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs), is a special milestone for us to celebrate.

Five years are of momentary significance for the long-term development of an institution, but the early years are essential for setting direction and laying groundwork for its future development. I am grateful that TWC has enjoyed steady and modest growth and has been playing an active role in provision of quality tertiary education to nurture professional (especially nursing, medical and health care) talents for our society. As of today, we have nearly 2,000 students studying in the College and we have nurtured over 600 graduates so far. We are now offering 9 degree and sub-degree programmes, with various new courses under active planning, accreditation or about to launch. Academic research at our College has also been moving ahead with remarkable development in recent years. We have successfully secured competitive research funding for several projects from the Research Grants Committee. The research management and infrastructure in the College has been strengthened and the support to faculty members for engaging in research is being enhanced. On the international front, the College has established partnership with a number of institutions overseas and in Mainland China. While we take pride in our accomplishments, I must gratefully thank TWGHs, former and current Chairmen and members of the Board of Governors and Council of the College, our staff, students, alumni, benefactors, partners and friends, for their staunch support throughout the years. I also take the opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude the dedication of the 5th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee in planning and executing the year long series of wonderful events which allow us to get together and share our collective achievements joyfully.

In my capacity as President, it gives me privilege and pleasure to have led the College in launching a number of initiatives including a new organizational structure and the 3-year new programme development plan to improve our administrative effectiveness and to enhance our academic provisions. We are now charting our 5-year Strategic Plan which will serve as a blueprint for our development in the next half-decade. I hope that the initiatives and plans will pave the way for our further advancement to the university level.

Building on our solid foundation, I am confident that the College will continue to excel, grow from strength to strength and strive hard to achieve its goal of acquiring university status. Let’s join hands to embark on the journey towards an even more rewarding five years to come!


五年的時間對於一間學院的長遠發展其實是微不足道,但如果能在成立初期定出清晰方向和打好基礎,對往後的發展當有重要幫助。我們非常感恩,成立短短五載,東華學院能穩步發展和做出一些成績。在提供優質高等教育方面,學院擔當著積極的角色,正為社會培育所需(特別是醫療護理相關)的人才。目前我們約有2,000名學生、共培育了600多名畢業生,提供九項 學士及副學士學位課程,並積極籌辦多項新課程,當中不少正在審批或行將推出。本院近年在學術研究方面取得顯著進展,除了接連獲得研究資助局的撥款資助,我們亦強化了學術研究管理及相關的組織架構 ,並為學術人員提供更多研究支援 。另外,我們也與多間外地及中國內地的院校簽訂合作備忘錄及協議,建立伙伴合作關係。以上的成績,實有賴東華三院、學院歷屆校董會及校務委員會的主席及成員、教職員、同學 、校友、捐助者、合作伙伴和友好的竭誠支持。藉此機會,我亦感謝校慶籌委會悉心籌劃多姿多彩的慶祝活動,讓大家參與其中,一起分享我們的喜悅和驕傲。

