Professor CHAN Wai Chi Sally (陈慧慈教授), President
Vice Chairperson
Dr LAU Hing Keung George (刘庆强博士), Vice President (Administration and Development)Vice President (Academic)
Professor MAN Wai Kwong David (文伟光教授) *All School Deans
Professor CHAN Chi Keung Alex (陈自强教授), Dean, School of Arts and Humanities
Professor SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna (孙桂萍教授), Dean, School of Nursing
Professor TEO Chu Ying Albert (张子颖教授), Dean, School of Management
Professor SZETO Pui Yuk Grace (司徒佩玉教授), Acting Dean, School of Medical and Health SciencesAll Directors/ Heads of Administrative Units
Professor MAN Wai Kwong David (文伟光教授), Acting Registrar, Registry *
Mr HO Ping Yu Patrick (何炳裕先生), Director of Finance, Finance Office
Ms LUI Siu Woon Lucy (雷小媛女士), Director of Human Resources, Human Resources Office
Mr HUI Wah Lun Daniel (许华伦先生), Head, Facilities Management Office
Mr LAU Kwok Wai Simon (刘国伟先生), Head of Student Affairs
Ms. Chely CHAN Yin Fong (陈燕芳女士), Head, Communications and Public Relations Office
Dr CHAN Chick Ki Jacqueline (陈积琪), Head, Quality Assurance Office
Ms HO Chiu Yi Belle (何昭仪), Head, Research Office
Dr WONG Lai King Jade (黃丽琼博士), Librarian, Library
Dr WONG Leung Pun (黃良斌博士), Head, Information Technology Services OfficeIn Attendance
Ms LAU Mei Sze May (刘美施女士), Head, Internal Audit UnitMember & Secretary
Ms WONG Lai Ping Queenie (黄丽萍女士), Head, President's Office
Terms of Reference- To conduct strategic and long-term planning for the development of the College;
- To oversee and monitor the implementation of the approved Strategic Plan through the distribution of recurrent and non-recurrent resources to various Schools, offices and units;
- To formulate and implement policies regarding academic, administrative, financial and physical planning;
- To consider and comment on new initiatives recommended by the Academic Board, including new programme proposal, programme re-accreditation proposals or new projects and their resources implications;
- To consider and endorse annual budgets submitted by the Budget Committee before submission to the Finance Committee and College Council for approval;
- To consider matters on all aspects of campus facilities relating to development, maintenance, renovation, and space allocation and utilization from a policy perspective;
- To serve as a platform for the President to seek input from the senior staff for major management and strategic practices and issues; and
- To coordinate within the College to execute decisions for implementation of the agreed College plans.