副學位課程文憑課程研究與成果惡劣天氣安排(只提供英文版本)General Arrangements for Classes and Examinations during Adverse WeatherArrangement of Classes during Tropical Cyclones or Heavy Persistent Rain10.1.1 Announcement made by the Education Bureau does not apply to the College.10.1.2 Announcement regarding the arrangement of classes during tropical cyclones or heavy persistent rain will not be broadcasted through the radio or television.Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.1 or 3 or the ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ Rainstorm Warning Signal10.1.3 All classes and seminars will be held as scheduled and offices will remain open.10.1.4 When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 will be lowered to No.3 in the middle of the day, all classes that have been cancelled will not be resumed on the same day. For example, when the Hong Kong Observatory announces at 10a.m. that Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 will be lowered to No.3 at 11:30a.m., classes that commence at 2p.m. and before 6:30p.m. will be cancelled because at 11a.m., Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 is still hoisted and the cancellation of 2p.m. – 6:29p.m. classes have already been made (Please see section 10.1.6 below).10.1.5 Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No.8/No.8 or above or ‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning SignalTROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING SIGNAL PRE-NO.8 / NO.8 OR ABOVE‘BLACK’ RAINSTORM WARNING SIGNALIssued during classes in sessionAll classes in session will be suspended immediately.All classes in session will continue until the end of the session.If the signals are still hoisted at or after 6:15a.m.Classes commencing at or after 8:30a.m. and before 2:00p.m. will be cancelled.If the signals are still hoisted at or after 11:00a.m.Classes commencing at or after 2.00p.m. and before 6:30p.m. will be cancelled.If the signals are still hoisted at or after 3:00p.m.Classes commencing at or after 6:30p.m. will be cancelled.10.1.6 The above regulation (Sections 10.1.4, 5) does not apply to training/clinical practice outside TWC campus. Students should follow the arrangements of the host organizations and the advice as given by the parent School.Arrangement of Examinations during Tropical Cyclones or Heavy Persistent Rain10.1.7 Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.1 or 3 or the ‘Amber’ Rainstorm Warning SignalAll examinations will be held as scheduled.10.1.8 ‘Red’ Rainstorm Warning SignalExaminations will be held as scheduled when a ‘Red’ Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force. However, students should be allowed to sit for supplementary examinations if they cannot attend examinations owing to bad weather conditions.10.1.9 Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No.8/No.8 or above or ‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning SignalTROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING SIGNAL PRE-NO.8 / NO. 8 OR ABOVE‘BLACK’ RAINSTORM WARNING SIGNALIssued during examinations in sessionExaminations which are in session will continue until the end of the session.If the signal is still hoisted at or after 6:15a.m.Examinations commencing at or after 8:30a.m. will be postponed.If the signal is still hoisted at or after 11:00a.m.Examinations commencing at or after 2:00p.m. will be postponed.If the signal is still hoisted at or after 3:00p.m.Examinations commencing at or after 6:30p.m. will be postponed.10.1.10 An examination which has been postponed due to bad weather conditions will be conducted as soon as possible. Normally it will be held on the first working day after the last day of the examination period. Students should pay attention to the announcement of the Registry.10.1.11 ‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning SignalIf a ‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force, it means that roads are seriously flooded and the weather conditions are unfavourable. The advice is for everyone to stay indoors and take shelter. Students are not expected to come for examinations if a ‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued.10.1.12 Students affected should be allowed to sit for supplementary examinations if they cannot attend examinations owing to bad weather conditions.