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Year 1 entry to Degree Programmes
For Year 1 entry to degree programmes, applicants should meet one of the following requirements:
  1. Starting from 2024, the renamed Liberal Studies subject, which is now known as Citizenship and Social Development, of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) will be changed from being graded in five levels to being marked as “Attained” and “Not Attained”. In this connection, the College has decided the general admission requirements for Bachelor’s degree programmes (First Year Entry) will be adjusted as follows from 2024/25 Entry onwards:
    HKDSE Subjects Core Subjects Elective Subject / Applied Learning
    Chinese Language (1) English Language (2) Mathematics (Compulsory Part) Citizenship and Social Development (3) Elective
    General Entrance Requirements Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Attained Level 2
    From 2025 HKDSE onwards, candidates have to take the stipulated language examinations administered in Hong Kong by the official organisations, which are the official providers of the language examinations concerned.  Conversion Table for 2025 JUPAS Admission Other Language subjects (Category C).
    ; OR
  2. Have passes in AS Use of English and AS Chinese Language and Culture plus one AL subject/two AS subjects in HKALE and Level 2 for Chinese Language and English Language plus passes in three other subjects in HKCEE; OR
  3. Have obtained the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma with a minimum score of 24 and fulfilled the English language requirements:
    • English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
    • English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
    • English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
    • English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
    • English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
    • English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; OR
  4. Have met the 2nd cut-off line(4) of the respective province for admission to mainland key universities in the National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) / Joint Entrance Examination for Universities in PRC (JEE, PRC) and the scores of English Language is over 100 (全國普通高等學校招生入學考試(內地高考)/ 港澳台僑聯招試達到所屬省市報讀第二批重點高校分數線(4)以上及英語科達100分或以上) ; OR
  5. Have obtained equivalent qualifications (such as meeting the admission requirements of a degree programme offered outside Hong Kong)

Senior Year Entry to Degree Programmes
Individual undergraduate programmes admit students for senior year entry. Applicants should meet one of the following requirements:
  1. Have completed an Associate Degree Programme (AD) or Higher Diploma Programme (HD) of the relevant subject/discipline; OR
  2. Have obtained equivalent qualifications.
Students admitted to the Senior Year may be required to satisfactorily complete some bridging courses. The bridging courses can be Discipline courses or General Education courses offered in the first two years of the curriculum.

Year 1 entry to Higher Diploma Programmes
For Year 1 entry to Higher Diploma programmes, applicants should meet one of the following requirements:
  1. Have obtained Level 2 in five HKDSE subjects (5) including Chinese Language (1) and English Language.  (Applicant is allowed to use Applied Learning subjects (6) in the application); OR
  2. Have obtained a pass in one AL subject or passes in two AS subjects in HKALE and five passes in HKCEE including Chinese Language and English Language; OR
  3. Have obtained a pass in one AL subject or passes in two AS subjects in HKALE and three passes in HKCEE plus Level 2 for Chinese Language and English Language; OR
  4. Have successfully completed a Pre-Associate Degree programme; OR 
  5. Have successfully completed Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma of Applied Education programme; OR
  6. Have obtained an equivalent qualification; OR
  7. Have relevant and substantial work experience and/or prior qualification(s) obtained in or outside Hong Kong (e.g. assessed through recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and transfer), with demonstrated ability to undertake sub-degree education; OR
  8. Have reached the age of 21 years old or above.

  1. For non-Chinese-speaking learners, alternative Chinese Language qualifications will be accepted for students who have met the specified conditions: (a) students who have learned Chinese Language for less than 6 years while receiving primary and secondary education; (b) students who have learned Chinese Language for 6 years or more in schools, but have been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in local schools. ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) should, in general, be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification, among other acceptable alternative Chinese Language qualifications.

    For non-Chinese speaking students, TWC accepts the following two alternative qualifications in Chinese Language (ACL):
    1. Students obtained the minimum grade in the Chinese Language under GCE, GCSE and IGCSE.
      Minimum grade required
      General Certificate of Education Examination (GCE) – (Advanced Level) (only UK accredited GCE will be considered)
      Chinese Language
      Grade E
      General Certificate of Education Examination (GCE) – (Ordinary Level) (only UK accredited GCE will be considered)
      Grade C
      General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (GCSE)
      Grade 4 or C
      International General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (IGCSE)
      Grade 4 or C
    2. Students obtained the grade “attained” in the Applied Learning Chinese [ApL(C)].
  2. Students with HKDSE English Language results at Level 3 or below are required to complete non-credit bearing English enhancement course(s) in the first year of study.
  3. The past result of Liberal Studies (Level 2 or above) will be considered as “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development. Calculation of admission scores: Best 5 subjects (“Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development will be counted as “Level 2” in the admission score calculation).
  4. Or the “cut-off line for undergraduate studies” for provinces and cities where the 1st and 2nd cut-off lines are combined 或「本科批次」分數線(適用於「本科一批」及「本科二批」合拼為「本科批次」的省市)
  5. If one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development subject, the minimum entrance requirement would become “Attained” for Citizenship and Social Development subject and Level 2 in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese and English. Besides, Level 2 in Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 or Module 2) is also recognised as one of the five HKDSE subjects in fulfilling the minimum entrance requirement.
  6. The ApL subjects do not include ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) as this subject is introduced to provide an additional channel exclusively for non-Chinese speaking students to obtain an alternative Chinese language qualification. For the 2012-2017 HKDSE Examinations, students attaining the results of “Attained” and “Attained with Distinction” in the ApL subjects are accepted as attaining the competencies required at Level 2 and Level 3 or above of Category A subjects of the HKDSE Examination respectively for the purposes of further studies and work. Effective from the 2018 HKDSE Examination, the reporting of students’ performance is refined to “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)”. Performance of “Attained with Distinction (I)” is comparable to Level 3 while “Attained with Distinction (II)” is comparable to Level 4 or above of Category A subjects of the HKDSE Examination.
  7. Students admitted to the self-financing Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the College (first year or senior year entry) would be eligible for the non-means-tested annual subsidy.  Please refer to https://www.cspe.edu.hk/en/nmt/index.html for the details.

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