Tung Wah College - Registry - Our Services - Graduates - Electronic Certification of Academic Documents (for Graduates in 2021/22 or after) Skip to Content
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Electronic Certification of Academic Documents (for Graduates in 2021/22 or after)

Academic Certificate Verification Platform (ACVP)

Tung Wah College (TWC) has participated in the Academic Certificate Verification Platform (ACVP) initiated by the Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC) to issue electronic academic documents (transcripts of studies and graduation certificates) using Blockchain technology.

TWC Graduates in or after 2021/22 can use the ACVP (https://acvp.hk/) to share their transcripts of studies/ graduation certificates with potential employers or further study institutions via QR codes, URL, or pdf files downloaded from the platform. Using ACVP, these third parties can verify the academic documents on the platform direct and with no turnaround time.

What is the Academic Certificate Verification Platform (ACVP)?

  • a common and trusted platform to verify academic documents issued by higher education institutions in Hong Kong through using blockchain technology
  • implemented and operated by the Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC) (https://www.jucc.edu.hk/)
  • streamlines the process of verifying qualifications and related academic records issued by adopted institutions
  • enhances efficiency, convenience, and security for their graduates to have control over sharing their academic documents
  • enables employers and further study institutions to verify and access the qualifications from a trusted platform directly upon the graduates’ authorization

How can you use ACVP?

If you are a TWC graduate in or after 2021/22, you can use your lifelong TWC email account ([email protected]) to log in to the ACVP platform to use the service (click here for the flow of logging in ACVP). If you have any queries on your TWC email account (e.g. forgot the account password), please contact the Information Technology Services Office of TWC at [email protected].

This is a walkthrough that demonstrates how to log in to ACVP.

When can you access your academic documents on ACVP?

For graduates in 2021/22 and 2022/23 (i.e. awards have been conferred at the Graduation Ceremony held in November 2022 and November 2023):
You can log in to ACVP and provide your consent to release your academic documents to the ACVP platform. The transcript and graduation certificate will be available in AVCP within 3 working days.

For graduates in 2023/24 and thereafter:
You can log in to ACVP and provide your consent to release your academic documents to the ACVP platform after your date of graduation. The transcript will be available in AVCP within 3 working days but the graduation certificate will only be available after conferment of your award at the Graduation Ceremony (which is held annually in November/ December).


Last updated: 21 January 2025

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