Tung Wah College - Registry - Our Services - Prospective Students - Adverse Weather Arrangement for Admissions Skip to Content
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Adverse Weather Arrangement for Admissions

Submission of applications, programme registration and fee payments etc. can all be conducted through the on-line system which runs 24 hours a day and will NOT be affected by the adverse weather. Regarding the arrangement of admission interviews, please pay attention to the following arrangements:
Special Arrangements for Different Types of Adverse Weather
Types of adverse weather conditions
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 or 3
All arrangement for admission interviews will be held as scheduled.
‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ Rainstorm Warning Signal
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No. 8 / No. 8 or above
All admission activities will be postponed. Deadline for registration and fee payment will be extended by one working day. All scheduled admission interviews will be rescheduled, and applicants will be informed at a later stage.
‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning Signal
‘Extreme Conditions’ Announcement
Special Arrangement for Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No.8 / No.8 or above or ‘Black’ Rainstorm Warning Signal or ‘Extreme Conditions’ Announcement
When the signals / announcement are issued Special arrangement
In the middle of the day Office will be closed. All admission activities will be postponed.
At or after 7:15 a.m. Admission activities before 2:00 p.m. will be cancelled.
At or after 12:00 noon Admission activities after 2:00 p.m. will be cancelled.
  1. The Government may issue an ‘Extreme Conditions’ announcement before Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 (T8) is replaced with No. 3 (T3). ‘Extreme Conditions’ may include serious disruption of public transport services, extensive flooding, major landslides or large-scale power outage occurring after a super typhoon. The Government will review the situation and further advise the public by the end of the two-hour period whether the “Extreme Condition” period will be extended or cancelled. During the period, applicants should stay alert to further government announcements.
  2. When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 will be lowered to No. 3 or the “Extreme Conditions” period will be cancelled in the middle of the day, office will resume operation in two hours after the Signal No. 8 / the “Extreme Conditions” period is cancelled.

Our Services
Tung Wah College Logo
King’s Park Campus
Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tsim Sha Tsui Campus
136A, Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
General Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6678

[email protected]
Admission Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6672

[email protected]