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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overviews ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most tertiary education institutions in Hong Kong incorporate research projects into their undergraduate curricula. Whether offered in the form of capstone projects, honours projects, final year projects, or dissertations, the aim is to help students to develop critical thinking abilities, academic integrity, information literacy, communication skills, and independence. These skills align with the Generic Level Descriptors in the Hong Kong Education Bureau’s Qualifications Framework and the core skill listed in the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs report.
Incorporating research projects into undergraduate education equips students with transferable skills and empowers them to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and possibly future researchers. Tertiary education institutions are also implementing initiatives to support students in conducting rigorous research projects and to foster a research culture for societal advancement.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Problems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However, teaching students to conduct research can be challenging. The varying areas of competence and wide range of research experiences among teaching staff can affect the consistency of guidance and assessment. Meanwhile, students often face difficulties in navigating the complex research process. Lacking experience and confidence, they can struggle with designing research, gathering and analysing data, and interpreting research findings. Nonetheless, students value the freedom to choose their research topics and appreciate the independent educational process offered by these projects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Objectives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To address these challenges, the proposed project will develop and implement ‘I-Cap’: a unique one-stop student research support portal, designed with an integrated–individualised–interactive–intelligent (4-Is) framework to enhance students' research competencies and support supervisors through the teaching and learning process for undergraduate capstone (Cap) projects.
The objectives of the project will be as follows:
• To offer support for supervisors’ teaching and students’ learning of the process of conducting research
• To encourage students to engage in research activities and develop a passion for scholarly inquiry
• To enhance the quality of teaching and learning and help to foster a research culture within the Hong Kong tertiary education sector.
The portal will offer convenience and inclusiveness by providing a single platform for accessing various resources related to conducting research. It will cater to different ability levels and learning styles, offering personalized support and enabling students to take charge of their learning. The portal will include text-based manuals, video tutorials, interactive modules, and downloadable templates.
Feedback mechanisms will be included for students to provide comments and suggestions for improvement.Quality assurance mechanisms will be put in place to ensure the portal's quality, effectiveness, and usability. External experts will review the material, instructional approach, and interactive elements. User feedback will be collected through surveys and interviews, and the accessibility and technical functionality of the portal will be evaluated. Ongoing development will be informed by annual user input and comparisons with similar platforms. The one-stop portal will benefit students, educators, academic support services, administrators, institutions, employers, and graduate programmes.
Acknowledgment: This project, entitled "Establishing the 'I-Cap' One-Stop Student Research Support Portal to Improve the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Research Projects for Students and Supervisors" (T01/QESS/2024) is fully funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS).
QESS: [ Quality Enhancement Support Scheme ] :To promote quality enhancement of the self-financing post-secondary sector, the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) is set up under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to support worthwhile non-works projects or initiatives that help enhance the quality of teaching and learning for students and teachers and the sector as a whole.
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material / event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Education Bureau, any member in the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education (CSPE) and its Sub-committee on Support Measures, and the Secretariat of the CSPE and its Sub-committee on Support Measures.
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