About TWC


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Sub Degree ProgrammesDiploma ProgrammeCertificate Programme
Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsCourse Exemption / Credit Transfer
Application Period- Students should submit the completed application form for course exemption/credit transfer (REG-01, obtainable at Download Area) and the required supporting documents to the Registry (8/F, King’s Park Campus) and pay the prescribed application fee
(i) no later than the add/drop period of the first semester of first year of study (for academic qualifications attained prior to admission); or
(ii) before the commencement of the nearest semester following the attainment of additional qualification (for academic qualifications attained during student exchange).
Application Procedure- Complete Sections A to C of the application form (REG-01, obtainable at Download Area) and prepare the following documents:
- Originals and copies of the academic transcript(s) showing the grade/score attained; and
- Copies of course outlines of the course(s) taken at tertiary education institution(s).
- Pay the application fee (HK$140 per course).
For cash payment, pay the fee at the Finance Office (10/F, Mongkong Campus Tower A);
For Octopus/EPS payment, pay the fee at the Registry (8/F, King’s Park Campus). - Submit the completed application form and relevant documents to the Registry (8/F, King’s Park Campus).
[Note: Originals of the academic transcript(s) have to be presented for verification. Other supporting documents will NOT be returned to students. Students are advised to keep a copy of the supporting documents.]
Important Information- The College reserves the right to disapprove credit transfer for courses which are not deemed to be equivalent to the courses offered by the College (e.g. less than 70% in similarity) and for courses with grades below the equivalence of grade C in the College’s grading system.
- Credits earned from prior learning should remain valid at the time when the student applies for course exemption/credit transfer. The validity period of credits earned and considered for credit transfer is 8 years from the year of attainment.
- Under normal circumstances, the maximum limit for credit transfer and course exemption is 50% of the total credits required by the programme. For credit transfer granted with the sending qualifications awarded by the College, the ceiling is set at 65% of the total credit requirement for the exit award. The limit does not include credit transfer associated with approved student exchange programmes.
- Application for credit transfer/ course exemption will NOT be allowed if students have already registered and completed the course at the College, regardless of the result.
- The Programme Leader or his/her delegate (who may seek advice from the Course Instructor if deemed appropriate) should assess the application and make recommendation to the respective School Dean for approval. The student may be required to take an assessment for the consideration of credit transfer.
- If the application for credit transfer is approved, the student is considered to have completed the course(s) concerned and granted the equivalent credits. If the application for course exemption is approved, the student should take other course(s) to make up for the total number of credits required for the exit award. Credit transfer and course exemption are recorded without inclusion in grade point average calculation.
Our Services+ Prospective Students- Online Application
- Application Procedures
- General Admission Requirements
- Programme Information
- Scholarship and Financial Assistance
- Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (2025/2026)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Application for Refund of Deposit
- Adverse Weather Arrangement for Admissions
- Guide to Online Application
- List of Programmes for Admission to Senior Year Entry of TWC's Degree Programmes (Advanced Standing)
+ Current Students- Academic Calendar
- Student Handbook
- Course Registration
- Course Exemption / Credit Transfer
- Examination Arrangements
- PowerCAMPUS Self-Service
- PowerCAMPUS Self-Service User Guide (for Students)
- Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Adverse Weather Arrangement
- Inauguration Ceremony
- Information for New Students (2024/25 Entry)