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Board of Governors



Ms TANG Ming Wai Mandy (鄧明慧女士)

TWGHs representatives
Ms CHOI Ka Yee Crystal (蔡加怡女士) 
Mr HO Yau Kai Orlando (何猷啟先生)
Mr SU Yau On Albert (蘇祐安先生), MH, JP 
Mr SZE Wing Hang Ivan (施榮恆先生), BBS, JP

Persons with expertise in tertiary education
Mr CHAN Hiu Fung Nicholas (陳曉峰律師), BBS, MH, JP 
Ms HO Chiu Ha Maisy (何超蕸小姐), BBS, JP  
Ms TAM Kam Lan Annie (譚贛蘭女士), GBS, JP

Persons with expertise in professional/community/business sectors relevant to the College’s programmes and operation
Mr CHANG Juo Hwa, Charles (張佐華先生), BBS 
Mr HSU Tsun Fai Marvin (徐晉暉先生), JP 
Mrs KUNG Yeung Yun Chi Ann (龔楊恩慈女士), BBS, JP 
Mr LUI Lai Cheung Frederick (呂禮章先生), JP

Ex-officio Members
Mr TSENG Hing Yip York (曾慶業先生), Chairman, TWC College Council 
Professor CHAN Wai Chi Sally (陳慧慈教授), President, TWC

Staff Representative of TWC
Professor SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna (孫桂萍教授

Ms WONG Lai Ping Queenie (黃麗萍女士)


Terms of Reference

  1. To formulate the long-term strategic direction and plan of the College;
  2. To appoint and dismiss the President of the College on the advice of the College Council (CC);
  3. To approve the appointment or dismissal of, or to appoint or dismiss the officers, teachers and examiners (if applicable) in accordance with all the applicable laws and regulations and subject to the internal guidelines or regulations as effective from time to time;
  4. To appoint and dismiss the Vice President(s) of the College on the advice of the CC;
  5. To appoint (or renew the appointment of) and dismiss the Chairman, Vice Chairman and other members of the CC and formulate remuneration packages and other benefits (if any) for them;
  6. To formulate strategies and directions in respect of policies, regulations and plans (including the matters in respect of development, finance and human resources) of the College;
  7. To monitor and regulate finances of the College (e.g. capital expenditure including but not limited to the acquisition of land and the development of new College premises);
  8. To approve material transactions or contracts;
  9. To approve annual budgets and the annual audited accounts and make directives as it may think fit;
  10. To borrow money and to mortgage or charge its undertaking and property and to issue debentures or other securities etc.;
  11. To give directions and be responsible for all internal audit matters;
  12. To formulate policies and procedures for dealing with all cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments and all receipts for moneys paid to the Company;
  13. To make recommendations on the name and logo of the College, and any modification thereto for approval in the annual general meeting;
  14. To approve and make decisions on any issues which are likely or will have a substantial impact on the operations of the College and its member(s) and those associated with the College; and
  15. For the proper administration of the College, to obtain any information from the CC/the President’s Office in respect of any issues relating to the College, in particular in respect of issues which have or may have substantial impacts on the operations of the College including but not limited to the image or reputation of the College and its member(s) and those associated with the College.

Tung Wah College Logo
King’s Park Campus
Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tsim Sha Tsui Campus
136A, Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
General Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6678

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Admission Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6672

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