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STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATIONBoard of GovernorsThe Board of Governors is the supreme governing body of Tung Wah College. It is responsible for setting directions for Tung Wah College and determining key governance issues. The Board of Governors comprises an appropriate mix of representatives from the higher education sector, the community/ business / professional sector, members appointed by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals as well as staff and alumni representatives of the College.
Audit CommitteeThe Audit Committee assists the Board of Governors in overseeing the College’s financial reporting process, audit process, system of internal controls, and compliance with laws, regulations and policies.College CouncilThe College Council under the Board of Governors is the executive body of the College. It manages the general affairs of the College according to the directions set out by the Board of Governors. The College Council consists of members from the higher education sector and the community/ business/ professional sector, members appointed by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, as well as staff and student representatives of the College.Academic BoardThe Academic Board is set up to regulate and approve all academic affairs of the College (including admission, academic regulations, new programme development, programme teaching and learning, quality assurance, assessment standards, conduct of examinations and student graduation etc.). Under the Academic Board, committees (or task forces) would be established to provide effective development, implementation, review and improvement of the academic programmes and activities of the College.
Management BoardThe Management Board advises the President on matters relating to the strategic development and management of the College and provides inputs to any academic initiatives from management perspectives (including human resources, finance and campus resources etc.). It serves as a major communication between senior academic and administrative staff.(promulgated by the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education, EDB)