About TWC


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Sub Degree ProgrammesDiploma ProgrammeCertificate Programme
Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsExamination Arrangements
- Adverse Weather Arrangement for Examinations
- Academic Regulations - Assessment and Examinations
- Examination Timetable (2024/25 Semester 1)
The examination timetable will be released 4 weeks before the commencement of the examination period.
- Examination Seating Arrangement (2024/25 Semester 1)
The seating arrangement of each examination will be released at least 3 days before the examination date.
- Application for Supplementary Examination
Only a student who misses the examination because of hospital confinement, illness, injury, or other personal emergencies may apply for supplementary examination. He/She should apply to the Registry with supporting evidence such as medical documents within 7 working days after the date of the concerned examination. A prescribed administration fee ($400/course) will be charged. The application is subject to the recommendation of the School Board and the approval of the Examinations Board. The application results of supplementary examination will be released on the date of official announcement of assessment results of the semester (i.e. 10 January 2025).For details, please refer to the Guidelines for Special Approval of Supplementary Test/Examination Based on Medical Grounds.
If the application for a supplementary examination is approved, the supplementary examination will be arranged by the College within two weeks after (i) the student concerned has been released from the hospital or (ii) the release of academic results, whichever deemed appropriate. The examination will be regarded as an assessment for the first time and the actual grade attained will be awarded.
Our Services+ Prospective Students- Online Application
- Application Procedures
- General Admission Requirements
- Programme Information
- Scholarship and Financial Assistance
- Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (2025/2026)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Application for Refund of Deposit
- Adverse Weather Arrangement for Admissions
- Guide to Online Application
+ Current Students- Academic Calendar
- Student Handbook
- Course Registration
- Course Exemption / Credit Transfer
- Examination Arrangements
- PowerCAMPUS Self-Service
- PowerCAMPUS Self-Service User Guide (for Students)
- Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Adverse Weather Arrangement
- Inauguration Ceremony
- Information for New Students (2024/25 Entry)