Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
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Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsEduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarships (2025/2026)Tung Wah College (TWC) introduces EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarship (“The Scholarship”) in AY 2025/26, to encourage more local students with outstanding academic results to choose Tung Wah College as their ultimate institute for further study
EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarships for AY 2025/2026
All local students1 who enroll in designated programmes (Table 1) and meet the scholarship criteria outlined in Table 2 will be eligible to the entrance scholarship, and the College will inform those students, with no additional application is necessary.
The scholarship amounts range from HK$30,000 to HK$60,000 (Table 1). The College will disburse the one-time entrance scholarship to eligible new student enrolling in the first-year or senior year entry of the designated programmes.
According to the College's policy, entrance scholarships will apply to the first year of study, whether for first-year or senior admissions, and they are non-renewable. Eligible students must settle their tuition fees (after deducting NMTSS or SSSDP, if applicable) according to the payment schedule listed by the College. Eligibility may be affected if a student applies for suspension of studies, leave of absence, or deregistration. The College reserves the right to revoke the scholarship if a student applies for suspension of studies, leave of absence, or deregistration before the Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony. The ceremony will be held in June 2026, and the scholarships will be disbursed after the ceremony.
Table 1 : The Designated Programmes under the scheme of AY 2025/2026 EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarships
Designated Programmes3
Scholarship Amount (HK$)
- Bachelor of Health Information and Services Management (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology
- Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Applied Psychology
- Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Social and Business Sustainability
- Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education
Bachelor Programme:
For Year 1 Entry
For students with a HKDSE score of 15 or above (or equivalent)
For Senior Year Entry
For students with cGPA of 3.0 or above
Higher Diploma Programme:
For students with a HKDSE score of 12 or above (or equivalent)
1) For detailed definition of local students, please refer to https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/page/detail/3670/.
For further information about EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarships, please email to [email protected].
Scholarships and Financial Assistance+ Prospective Students- Online Application
- Application Procedures
- General Admission Requirements
- Programme Information
- Scholarship and Financial Assistance
- Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (2025/2026)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Application for Refund of Deposit
- Adverse Weather Arrangement for Admissions
- Guide to Online Application
+ Current Students- Academic Calendar
- Student Handbook
- Course Registration
- Course Exemption / Credit Transfer
- Examination Arrangements
- PowerCAMPUS Self-Service
- PowerCAMPUS Self-Service User Guide (for Students)
- Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Adverse Weather Arrangement
- Inauguration Ceremony
- Information for New Students (2024/25 Entry)