About TWC


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Sub Degree ProgrammesDiploma ProgrammeCertificate Programme
Mainland Admission
Research & ImpactNews & EventsVision, Mission and Core Values
The vision of Tung Wah College is to become a renowned privately-funded tertiary education institution in Hong Kong, recognized for high quality programmes which emphasize practical application while exhibiting Tung Wah Group of Hospitals’ spirit of selfless caring for needy people.Our mission, as a tertiary education institution, is- to nurture socially responsible and caring citizens with integrity, sound attitudes, professional knowledge and competence, who are able to apply theory to practice, to embark on meaningful careers, to pursue life-long learning and to serve the community and mankind;
- to offer quality programmes leveraging on the acknowledged strengths and expertise of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals’ core services and specialties, thereby enabling Tung Wah College to occupy a superior position as a programme provider in these areas;
- to provide a holistic and outcome-based education through both the formal curriculum and co-curricular activities;
- to engage in applied research work so as to enrich teaching and learning and to cultivate the ability to create and innovate;
- to be a celebrated home where students can pursue their learning and develop their potential and colleagues can further develop and engage their talents; and
- to offer tertiary education to young people with unique talents, who otherwise may be deprived of such opportunity, by affirming these individuals and giving them a chance to be accepted and to serve the society.
Our Core Values are:- Passion and unreserved dedication to education;
- Respect and love for our students, our colleagues and their families;
- Continuous commitment to excellence in education;
- Eagerness to serve and work with the community for its development and well-being;
- Open, just, caring style of management; and
- Determination to manage and deploy resources carefully and effectively.
Vision, Mission and Core Values