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Academic Board


Professor CHAN Wai Chi Sally (陳慧慈教授), President

Vice Chairperson
Professor MAN Wai Kwong David (文偉光教授), Vice President (Academic)*

Vice President (Administration and Development)
Dr LAU Hing Keung George (劉慶強博士), Vice President (Administration and Development) 

All School Deans
Professor CHAN Chi Keung Alex (陳自強教授), Dean, School of Arts and Humanities
Professor SUEN Kwai Ping Lorna (孫桂萍教授), Dean, School of Nursing
Professor TEO Chu Ying Albert (張子穎教授), Dean, School of Management
Professor SZETO Pui Yuk Grace (司徒佩玉教授), Acting Dean, School of Medical and Health Sciences 

Head of Student Affairs 
Mr LAU Kwok Wai Simon (劉國偉先生)

Head of Quality Assurance Office
Dr CHAN Chick Ki Jacqueline (陳積琪博士)

Head of Research Office
Ms HO Chiu Yi Belle (何昭儀), Head, Research Office

Dr WONG Lai King Jade (黃麗琼博士)

A Full-time Academic Staff from each School nominated by School Dean
Professor LEE Sai Kit Joseph (李世杰), Professor, School of Medical and Health Sciences
Dr LEUNG Wai Chung Beeto (梁偉聰博士), Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Humanities
Dr NG Sze Fung Fowie (伍時豐博士), Associate Professor, School of Management
Dr TANG Chui Yan Anson (鄧翠欣博士), Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Two Student Representatives elected by students annually via Student Representative Election organized by Student Affairs Office

Mr LAM Wai Lok (林偉樂先生)
Ms YEUNG Tsz Shan (楊芷姍女士)


In Attendance

Ms WONG Lai Ping Queenie (黃麗萍女士), Head of President's Office 
Mr HO Ping Yu Patrick (何炳裕先生), Director of Finance
Ms LUI Siu Woon Lucy (雷小媛女士), Director of Human Resources
Mr HUI Wah Lun Daniel (許華倫先生), Head of Facilities Management Office
Ms. CHAN Yin Fong Chely (陳燕芳女士), Head of Communications and Public Relations Office
Dr WONG Leung Pun (黃良斌博士), Head of Information Technology Services Office
Dr WONG Lap Tuen Michael (黄立端博士), Head of Centre for Academic and Professional Language Enhancement (CAPLE)

Member & Secretary (Registrar or Deputy Registrar as nominated by the President)
Ms LAW Yuen Kan Kobe  (羅苑芹女士), Acting Deputy Registrar, Registry

Terms of Reference

  1. To oversee all academic matters (including planning, approving and the implementation of all degree and sub-degree programmes) and as a part of the programme approval process, the resource aspect of all academic programme proposals;
  2. To plan, develop, review, and advise the College Council (CC) on academic programmes of the College;
  3. To consider and approve the framework of guidelines and principles to guide the development, accreditation, operation, evaluation and review of programmes and courses;
  4. To formulate and review but not limited to policies and procedures for monitoring the academic standards, student admission and the overall quality assurance of the programmes;
  5. To review the academic scholarships, bursaries and awards, and consider and approve proposals for any new scholarships/awards recommended by the Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards Committee;
  6. To approve the appointments of External Examiners and academic staff;
  7. To approve the list of candidates for graduation (including awards and honour recommended by the Examination Board);
  8. To plan, promote and regulate the research activities of the College, and formulate relevant policies to support research activities;
  9. To appoint and to receive reports from committees or task forces when deemed appropriate and to give guidance and directions to its committees and other academic units of the College;
  10. To make recommendations to the CC on any major changes to the academic structure of the College;
  11. To exercise any other responsibilities and functions of academic operation and management as assigned to it by the CC;
  12. To report to the CC on its work including the Annual Plan and any other academic matters as necessary;
  13. To exercise such other powers and duties which are necessary for and incidental to the effective and efficient management, control and development of the academic programmes and activities; and
  14. To perform other related duties as assigned by the Board of Governors or the CC.

Tung Wah College Logo
King’s Park Campus
Ma Kam Chan Memorial Building,
31 Wylie Road, Homantin, Hong Kong
Mongkok Campus
Cheung Kung Hai Memorial Building, 90A,
and Cheung Chin Lan Hong Building, 98,
Shantung Street, Mongkok, Hong Kong
Kwai Hing Campus
16/F, Tower 2,
Kowloon Commerce Centre,
51 Kwai Cheong Road,
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tsim Sha Tsui Campus
136A, Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
General Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6678

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Admission Enquiries:
(852) 3190 6672

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